- can Zionist Jews claim Palestine as their homeland exceeding anyone elses claim.
Lets put some perspective into the conflict based on history and facts.
There are 8 claims to be satisfied for modern Zionist jews to call the state of Israel [that they occupy] their rightful home above anyone else .
1 No one was there before the israelites.
2 The israelites lived there as a distinct group of people.
3 The israelites had a state and were sovereign longer than anyone else.
4 No one lived there after the israelites.
5 Modern jews descended from the original israelites of Judah.
To answer these read the text below but refer to the timeline at the bottom of the article for more in depth history details by time.
First clear up some things
- Not all semites are said "jews" - "jews" only make up one of many groups of semites.
- Zionism is a national political ideology (albeit today with a veneer of religious justification)
- A zionist is a supporter of zionism so not all zionists are "jews".
- Not all "jews" are zionists.
- A "jew" is someone from ancient Judah [not the rival Kingdom of Israel} and is not a religion.
- Most "jews" principle religion is judaism, but not all jews are Judaists or religious.
- Judaists do not believe Jesus is the christ , the messiah, and are still waiting for it to come.
- Of the total worlds 15 milllion said "jews" 6.9 million live in "Israel". 6m live in USA..
- Not all Israel is "jewish" , only 76% are while 20% are Arab
- Not all Arabs are Muslim and not all Palestinians are Muslim.
- The Conflict in Palestine is not directly religious . It is geo political
- An Arab is originally someone from the Arabian Peninsula (modern Saudi Arabia)
- Islam is the religion and a muslim is someone who follows that religion.
- Palestine is a recognised state made up of 2 areas - the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.
1) Who was there before israelites
According to Australian Museum:- Modern Homo Sapiens exist from about 160,000 years ago and came out of Arica. here
Nomadic tribes lived in the fertile crescent for tens of thousands of years, then in towns before civilisation.
According to National Geographic :- “The earliest civilizations developed between 4000 and 3000 B.C.E., when the rise of agriculture and trade allowed people to have surplus food and economic stability. Civilizations first appeared in Mesopotamia ( a region that includes all of modern-day Iraq as well as parts of Syria, Turkey and Iran,) as the Sumer civilisation and later in Egypt. “ The levant (Palestine) is in between those 2 areas – together they all make up the fertile crescent. because of their agriculture supporting qualities - flat land , good water ,soil and climate.
The Canaanites were there from 3500 BC and from 2750BC as a great trading and maritime nation until the end of bronze age collapse c 1200 BC, then after that named as phoenicians in the more northern part now mostly Lebanon , until Alexander the Great conquered them 332BC . In part of the south coast the area was settled by the Philistines around Bronze age collapse c1200 BC were Gaza is now . Said to be named from Egyptian for sea people called Peleset corrupted by Greeks to Philistia. This area is mentioned in the Torah.
2) Accepted for the argument - but this is conditional on other information being followed that may discount this below and in 6.
No one really knows where the Israelitics came from .
While some say they are indigenous to the area as Canaanites and others say they came from southern Mesopotamia (Iraq) which makes sense as its the most likely place of the mythical garden of Eden and the Babylonian Talmud was written there while in exile .
"'The PCA shows that Sidon_BA clusters with three individuals from Early Bronze Age Jordan (Jordan_BA) found in a cave above the Neolithic site of ‘Ain Ghazal and probably associated with an Early Bronze Age village close to the site.13 This suggests that people from the highly differentiated urban culture on the Levant coast and inland people with different modes of subsistence were nevertheless genetically similar, supporting previous reports that the different cultural groups who inhabited the Levant during the Bronze Age, such as the Ammonites, Moabites, Israelites, and Phoenicians, each achieved their own cultural identities but all shared a common genetic and ethnic root with Canaanites." here .
3) Israelites and a state
Israelites written history, the Torah says they left Egypt in the exodus and conquered the people of Canaan about 13c BC. There is some references to israelites being there from 1200 bc but theres no evidence of a single israel kingdom as mentioned in Torah , until the rival kingdoms of israel and kingdom of Judah existing from about c900BCE. here
The Kingdom of Israel was conquered and destroyed around 722 BCE, by the Neo-Assyrian Empire. While the Kingdom of Judah remained intact during this time, it became a client state of the Neo-Assyrian Empire and then the Neo-Babylonian Empire which conquered the Assyrian empire around 605BC . However, continued israelite revolts against the Babylonians led to the destruction of Judah in 587 BCE, under the rule of Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar II and the first disporia (scattering/dispersal) of israelites/jews.
According to the jewish library (probably based on Torah) here.
" In 722 BC, theAssyriansconquered Israel. The Assyrians were aggressive and effective; the history of their dominance over the Middle East is a history of constant warfare. In order to assure that conquered territories would remain pacified, the Assyrians would force many of the native inhabitants to relocate to other parts of their empire. They almost always chose the upper and more powerful classes, for they had no reason to fear the general mass of a population. They would then send Assyrians to relocate in the conquered territory.
When they conquered Israel, they forced the ten tribes to scatter throughout their empire. For all practical purposes, you might consider this a proto-Diaspora ("diaspora"="scattering"), except that these Israelites disappear from history permanently; they are called "the ten lost tribes of Israel." Why this happened is difficult to assess. The Assyrians did not settle the Israelites in one place, but scattered them in small populations all over the Middle East. When the Babylonians later conquered Judah, they, too, relocate a massive amount of the population. However, they move that population to a single location so that the Jews can set up a separate community and still retain their religion and identity. The Israelites deported by the Assyrians, however, do not live in separate communities and soon drop their Yahweh religion and their Hebrew names and identities."
Some evidence outside the Torah (now old testament ) to back those historic claims are Mesha Stele aka Moabite Stone c850BC here"Israel" first appears in the Merneptah Stele c. 1208 BCE here
Video on the historic control of Jerusalem
4) As mentioned the Israeli and Judah kingdom was gone by 722bc after 200 years , over 2500 years before the modern Israel state of 1848.
Heres a good accurate 8min video of that history from 750bc until 1920
Judea is a Greek and Roman adaptation of the name "Judah", which originally encompassed the territory of the Israelite tribe of that name and later of the ancient Kingdom of Judah.
While the israelites have lived in the area revolting against the Assyrians then the Babylonians Judah was finally destroyed by 587AD But they must have remained in the area through the Persian then Greek conquests /empires that followed next and been there when the Romans finally destroyed them again in 135AD in whats called the great dispora (scattering) . Israelites remained a tiny minority from then up until 1897 and the zionist project, when Romans and then others ruled the area for just over another 1700 years.
With 2 disporias and intentional destruction of jerusalem multiple times , specifically 135AD when the Romans made it illegal for israelites to live there , its hard to tell what % of the population of the time from 587BC was israelite.
After Jewish–Roman wars of 66–136 CE. Israelites left on mass and scattered in what is called the "Jewish Disporia" .
At the time of said "Jesus" the formally called israel kingdom was now Galilee and Samaria - (Samaria being between Galilee ad Judea and the reason the bible says Samaria was unsafe to travel for Jesus is because it was largely Assyrian from 722BCE conquest. While Judah is shown as Judea.
Rashidun Caliphate Arab/Muslims conquered and annexed the Levant 634-638ad, nearly 1400 years ago. They allowed the jews to return
But in 1897 at the time of the founding of the world zionist organisation jews were only 3% of the population , 5% if you include immigrant jews. here
This is a much more recent claim - since the state of israel was filmed -so ive moved it to post 1949
Historically, modern European Jews have been classified as belonging to two major groups depending where they ended up after the disporia : the Ashkenazim, [Germanics/Russian ie /northen] or Sephardim [Hispanics] . A 3rd group is Mizrahim, or "Easterners" that remained around the middle east.
First we must ask the question what is a Jew?
Is a Hebrew , Jew and Israelite all the same as they are often used to mean the same thing ?
The answer is no and yes .
Hebrew is a Semitic language (a subgroup of the Afro-Asiatic languages, languages spoken across the Middle East), while Yiddish is a German dialect (spoken by Ashkenazi jews) which integrates many languages, including German, Hebrew, Aramaic, and various Slavic and Romance languages. But also the term Hebrew almost always occurs in the Hebrew Bible as a name given to the Israelites by other peoples, rather than one used by themselves.
According to the Book of Genesis, Judah (יְהוּדָה, Yehudah) was the name of the fourth son of the patriarch Jacob. During the Exodus, the name was given to the Tribe of Judah, descended from the patriarch Judah. After the conquest and settlement of the land of Canaan, Judah also referred to the territory allocated to the tribe. here
This webpage says the modern English word "Jew" is the 18th century contraction and corruption of the 4th century Latin "Iudaeus" found, here. While the oxford says "The earliest known use of the noun Jew is in the Middle English period (1150—1500). OED's earliest evidence for Jew is from before 1225, in MS Lambeth. Jew is a borrowing from French. Etymons: French jeu, jew."
While another wiki page says "The English term Jew originates in the Biblical Hebrew word Yehudi, meaning "from the Kingdom of Judah". It passed into Greek as Ioudaios and Latin as Iudaeus, which evolved into the Old French giu after the letter "d" was dropped. A variety of related forms are found in early English from about the year 1000, including Iudea, Gyu, Giu, Iuu, Iuw, and Iew, which eventually developed into the modern word "jew" ,here.
So strictly speaking this means a jew is human from tribe of Judah or kingdom of Judea , the later Samaria or Galilee including Jesus Christ are not Jews.
The problem is being a jew meaning has been changed today
. Apart from those claiming its a ethnicity theres those who claim its a religion , some call it someone who follows the religion of Judaism , while some call it a culture and others call it all 3. here This orthodox jewish rabbi explains the zionists changed the definition to define them as a nation even thou its fobidden in the torah. He argues Israel is not their homeland , it is the holy land. here
According to chat gpt yehudi cam to signify all those in judea and gallillee by time of mythical "jesus" birth.
There are three main branches of Judaism today, they are Orthodox, Conservative and Reform.
A messianic jew and messianic Judaism, (a branch of which is “Jews for Jesus”) is a religious group that has tried to straddle the line between Judaism and Christianity.
Whether the zionist jews in exile in Europe, USA are descendents from original israelites of Judah is hotly contended.
This jewish website explains you can convert to judaism then you become jewish . here This complicates it and means being jewish bears no resemblance to ethnicity of the historic Judah.
This would have to be traced back somehow 1800- 2700 years. Genes is the most obvious way but tests are hard to understand .
Traditionally lineage passed down by the maternal which leaves for alot of watering down of the blood . And today its more confused as the definition has ben bent by some to include other categorisations notably a jew is someone who practices Judaism , which in tern is combined with a certain "culture " including the religion. .. here
While the middle east peoples would have been dark some whiteness came from european slaves and later greek , philistine conquests etc. like all places ethnicities got mixed. Its unlikely modern jews retained 100% or enough israelite blood in 2500 to 1800 years of disporia and resisted interbreeding in places they exiled too to call themselves israelites or jews . Judging by the variation of people Israel that call themselves "Jew" here.
Britain was invaded many many times by different tribes or empires like israel was. Britain was invaded and conquered by the Romans, Danes Vikings, French states like the Normans and German states like the Jutes, Angles, and Saxonsetc . Originally called pritain , The name “Britain” comes from the Phoenician name “Baratanac”, meaning “Land of Tin”. Named by romans as Britannia we just now call it Britain . I myself are a kiwi of Maori, English , Scottish , French , Irish , American descent (most of it English and thats just my last known 3-400 years history) and in zionist jewish theory i can claim to originate from any of those countries but i would in fact be considered illegal or alien to them. (accept for Aotearoa of course, the place i sojourn now called New Zealand by the English colonisers) as are all the non Maori population ,which is about 85% of the population.
Not all jews are semites and not all semites are jews. Its misleading to equate only jews with being semite ergo anti-semite is not being anti-jewish.
A semite is someone who spoke the semitic language. The Semitic language family consists of dozens of distinct languages and modern day dialects, but the major Semitic languages are Arabic, Amharic (spoken in Ethiopia), Tigrinya (spoken in Ethiopia and Eritrea), Hebrew, Tigre (spoken in Sudan), Aramaic (spoken in Lebanon, Syria, Israel, Iraq and Iran) and Maltese.
Classic (biblical) Hebrew died out 3BC , while in the medieval period Hebrew was spoken in an altered form by some , the modern Hebew spoken in Israel today is a revival of the language, here.
Arabic, which first emerged in the northwest of the Arabian Peninsula, is a member of the Semitic family of languages which also includes Hebrew and Aramaic. Whilst very early manifestations of Arabic date back as far as the 8th century BCE, the language has been defined and refined over a considerable period of time. hereThe Arabs were originally the people of the Arabian desert (modern day Saudi Arabia.
Semite language spread best shown on this gif timeline (dates at bottom of gif) , here
No sane normal human recognises descendents of a state that got destroyed 2500 years ago [or even if they stayed and finally got chased out 1900 years ago, 135AD ] has a right of return. It does not apply to anyone else or just about every single modern country would need change names borders and ethnic population especially the more recently European colonised countries in north central and South Americas and Africa . Countries that have been returned where mostly from recent European colonisation in last 150 -300 years when the indigenous stayed continuously and got their freedom and independence back post WW2.
Because the most important of these claims fall down zionist jews argue variations of discrediting Palestinian Arabs like
7 Theres never been a place called Palestine
8 Theres never been a Palestine state
9 Palestinians are not from there / Palestinians are not indigenous.
10 Jews bought the land
These are variations of one argument which is denial of Palestnian rights, ie the opposite of the jewish claims of right to be there
The term "Palestine" first appeared in the 5th century BCE when the ancient Greek historian Herodotus wrote of a "district of Syria, called Palaistinê" between Phoenicia and Egypt in The Histories. hereThe area was called Syria Palaestina by Romans after their 135AD destruction of Jerusalem and expelling and banning israelites from Jerusalem. here.
The British mandate created Mandatory Palestine which had police , passports , currency and began issuing land titles after 1920 until 1947.
From 1896 zionism [ie the quest for a "jewish homeland"] really took off , said "jews" made up 3% (15,000) of the total population of 472,000 or 5% if you include immigrant "jews" . Immigration happened on both sides but mostly jews went from 15,000 to nearly half a million by 1947 [about 95% of their population] while Arabs were 23% immigration . here.
Ultimately when you have done away with the false argument of zionist jews right to a state it really doesnt matter who was there first whoever came next without consent is an invader and coloniser.
The British coloniser declared Australia empty (terra nullius) in 1835 even though aboriginals lived there . They relied on this until it was overturned in court in 1992 allowing Torres straight islanders to reclaim their land if continuous connection proved. While in USA British took land by force and after revolution the new USA government 1788 simply carried on making treaties with the native american indians , then broke them as they contiued stealing their land. In Aotearoa the British Queen made a treaty with Maori who have lived in Aotearoa about 600 years (by most consensus) then began wars in 1860s and colonisation of Aotearoa when the Maori said no more land sales.
A right to be there based on some religious text that cant be unwound from the culture and the people distinctly is effectively mixing politics and religion and winding the clock back 200 years or more to a conservative ideology, before liberal revolutions gave us democracy in we which said church and state should be separated .
What happened that let the Jews back after over 2500 years ? if they didnt have a right or any ability to create their mythical zionist state ?
The answer is Politics and the force of British colonialism - video here
There had been alot of anti-jewish behaviour in Europe over the last few centuries , cumulating in the German holocaust. As explained here from 2 sources;
First One form of economic antisemitism in the Middle Ages was a mass of legal restrictions imposed on the occupations and professions of Jews. Local rulers and church officials closed many professions to the Jews, pushing them into marginal occupations considered repugnant, such as tax- and rent-collecting and money-lending, but tolerated them as a "necessary evil".here
The historical explanation for this enduring linking of Jews and money is that Jews were pushed into financial roles by a church that barred Christians from, say, lending money for interest, and barred Jews from doing much else, such as owning and farming land. As Anthony Julius – whose Trials of the Diaspora is the definitive history of English antisemitism – puts it, in a feudal society in which Jews could be neither peasants nor lords, there was “no other niche” available. But psychological explanations also suggest themselves, starting with the notion that Christian society was able to split off that aspect of itself it regarded as sinful – its pursuit of wealth and profit – and project it instead on to a hated other: the Jews. Islam also forbade usuary (charging interst) on borrowed money.
While there were beginnings of zionism earlier , with Nathan Birnbaum , Theodor Herzl is credited as being the father of Israel. Theodor Herzl initially campaigned for ending European anti-jew behaviour but gave up. He wrote apamphlet The Jewish State (1896) which proposed that the Jewish question was a political question which argued for a global organisation to campaign for jewish homeland. Herzl tried to buy Palestine when he presented his proposal to the Grand Vizier: the Jews would pay the Turkish foreign debt and help Turkey regain its financial footing in return for Palestine as a Jewish homeland , which was turned down twice. In 1897 he founded a jewish newspaper for propaganda purposes and organised the first zionist conference in 1897 which established "The World Zionist Organisation" . (read history of the first 12 conferences here) According to wikipedia Herzl envisaged the creation as a national question not a religious one and the new state would be secular and he did not foresee a issue between Arabs and Jews. Nation states were forming and zionists wanted one for the jews who had no nation or state. Herzl also envisioned the future Jewish state to be a "third way" between capitalism and socialism, with a developed welfare program and public ownership of the main natural resources. Industry, agriculture and trade were organized on a cooperative basis. Along with many other progressive Jews of the day, such as Emma Lazarus, Louis Brandeis, Albert Einstein, and Franz Oppenheimer, Herzl desired to enact the land reforms proposed by the American political economist Henry George. Specifically, they called for a land value tax. He called his mixed economic model "Mutualism," a term derived from French utopian socialist thinking. Women would have equal voting rights.here.
There was also many "jews" against creation of a jeish homeland/state, including the Nationalistic Reform Jews in exile in their various countries , the leftist General Jewish Labour Bund who wanted communism and had no use for Zionism and a great many Orthodox and Chassidic Jews who believe it was against the teachings to have a state/homeland or were still waiting for the real Messiah to come and to establish Israel,here here , here.
Jews at that time made up 3% of the total population , 5% if you included immigrants of a total population of 472,000.
Its ironic while anti jew behaviour has almost disappeared worldwide its being kept alive by the reaction to the israel states behaviour that Herzl helped create.
Herzl was a progressive but as nice his zionist project was it was openly colonial . Heres a letter to Cecil
Rhodes who served as Prime Minister of the Cape Colony from 1890 to 1896. He and his British South Africa Company founded (colonised) the southern African territory of Rhodesia.
Colonialism has always meant subjugating the people that live there and stealing their land. Heres a good short tiktok video about the zionist colonisation project . here
Another one talking about the biased reporting and support of isarel against Jew support of Palestine currently @ 10 min he covers colonialism. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRfaI-jmjIQ
The Ottoman Empire had the last control over Palestine up until WW1
WW1 began in 1914 and Britain then divided Palestine with France by the Sykes/Pico agreement in 1916 and issued Balfour declaration letter in 1917 before WW1 was even finished . To gain Jewish and Arab support Britain lied and promised the Arabs a state and the Zionist jews a natioan home and declined to give the nation of Palestine the same with some vagueness abut protecting them. Explaind in the video How Britain started the Arab-Israeli conflict
During World War 1 the Jewish population declined because of the war and famine , disease and expulsion. In 1915 , approximately 83,000 Jews lived in Palestine among 590,000 Muslims and Christian Arabshere.
And when the Ottoman empire lost WW1 in 1918 Britain took control. Britain was a big empire - it was still the largest empire the sun never set on at the end of WW1- it held colonys in India, Africa, Australia and other countries {it supported much colonisation later like helping Indonesia invade east Timor in 1973 and Iraq in 2003) .
At a 1920 peace conference held in San Remo, Italy , the Allies divided the former territories of the defeated Ottoman Empire implementing sykes-picot agreement . The northern portion (Syria and Lebanon) was mandated to France, and the southern portion (Palestine) was mandated to Great Britain. By July 1920 the French had forced king Fayṣal to give up his newly founded kingdom of Syria. The hope of founding an Arab Palestine within a federated Syrian state collapsed and with it any prospect of independence for Palestine. July 1920, Britain appointed a zionist to implement the Balfour Declaration, announcing in August a quota of 16,500 Jewish immigrants for the first year. Palestinian Arabs at a congress in Haifa established an executive committee (known as the Arab Executive) .. It was never formally recognized by the British and was dissolved in 1934. However, the platform of the Haifa congress, which set out the position that Palestine was an autonomous Arab entity and totally rejected any rights of the Jews to Palestine, remained the basic policy of the Palestinian Arabs until 1948.here .
This colonial carve up by Britain and France [like Africa] guaranteed conflict . Which also left the biggest ethnic group without a population that should have been settled before the jews were, ie the 40 million Kurdish, here.
Ironically while rightwing autocratic Turkish PM Tayyip Eragon supports Palestine freedom and he apologised for the Turkeys 1930s mass killings of the Kurdish uprisings for a independent state here he is currently continuing Turkeys policy of preventing a Kurdish sovereign state by violence and has had to apologies for killing Kurdish civilians in doing so in 2011. here. and again in 2017 here. So hes a simply a nicer version of Netanyahu.
Britain allowed jews to begin reentering and at first Britain helped them . Britain also created the Mandatory Palestine state and printed money , issued Palestine passports , created a police force and started creating Palestinian legal land titles.
In early negotiations Arab Palestinians making up majority of the population wanted a single state . Jews rejected the single state because it didnt suit their zionist project . The zionist jews wanted half of the promised land , the mythical kingdom of Israel , which includes parts or all of modern Lebanon , Syria and Jordan .Today they probably want all of it and why they are unlawfully occupying the Golan Heights in Syria.
Arab Palestinians rejected the 2 state solution probably because zijews were a minority and they thought they could contain the zionist jews.
Nor did they deny the suffering of the Jews, or the pogroms and persecution they were experiencing in Western and Eastern Europe at the time. On the contrary, many of the most vocal critics of Zionism were extremely aware of Jewish suffering, as they were unsettled by the impact it was having on the British support for the project of the Jewish National Home. What they said no to was the idea that the Jews' humanitarian plight granted them special political and national rights in Palestine, and that those Jewish rights should trump Arab rights. The Arabs said No to the idea that they should pay the price for longstanding Christian persecution of the Jews, and they expressed deep resentment at the hypocrisy of the Europeans, who were promoting a home for the Jews in Palestine as they closed their own doors to the victims of Christian/European anti-Semitism. here
As with all colonists, jews started buying land (mostly from absent owners) .Both communities realized that by the end of the mandate period the region’s future would be determined by size of population and ownership of land. Thus the central issues throughout the mandate period were Jewish immigration and land purchases, with the Jews attempting to increase both and the Arabs seeking to slow down or halt both fearing being over run. here. Ironically it was determined by the most violent side willing to do the most killing.
[This happened the same in NZ where colonisers used divide and conquer rule to obtain what was collectively owned and when Maori said no to land sales , the new 1856 New Zealand Govt starting the 1860 land wars that resulting in stealing millions of acres of prime north island land from Maori. here .]
When Palestinians demanded Britain halt jew immigration and Britain ignored them they pushed back with peaceful protest and worker strikes at first then with increasing violence. Beginning in 1929, Arabs and Jews openly fought in Palestine, and Britain attempted to limit Jewish immigration as a means of appeasing the Arabs. .Most notably the sustained Arab revolt 1936-1939 . here , here. The far right zionist jews reacted with a terrorism campaign mostly by 2 notable extreme right wing zionist terrorist groups formed in 1935 & 1940 (here) and terrorism which Britain clamped down onhereherehere
A royal commission of inquiry presided over by Lord Robert Peel, which was sent to investigate the volatile situation, reported in July 1937 that the revolt was caused by Arab desire for independence and fear of the Jewish national home. The Peel Commission declared the mandate unworkable and Britain’s obligations to Arabs and Jews mutually irreconcilable.
Leading to Britain eventually slowing then putting a stop to jewish immigration from 1939.
The holocaust begining in 1941 was a great contributor for the drive for the zionist cause. Holocaust timeline here . As a result of the jew Holocaust by NAZIs in Europe, many Jews illegally entered Palestine during World War II. Thou the zionists didnt care for saving the holocaust jews and even prevented the rescue of jews from the holocaust.
Jewish groups employed terrorism against British forces in Palestine. At the end of World War II, in 1945, the United States took up the Zionist cause. Britain, unable to find a practical solution, referred the problem to the United Nations,.which in November 1947 voted to partition Palestine.
On November 29, 1947, the United Nations (UN) voted to partition the British mandate of Palestine into a Jewish state and an Arab state. (see United Nations Resolution 181). The Jewish population had ballooned to 31 percent of Palestine from immigration. But they owned only 6 percent of the land .
This conflict escalated into the 1947-1948 "civil war". Near its end jews implemented Plan Dalet aZionistmilitary planexecuted in thecivil warphase of the1948 Palestine warfor the conquest of territory inMandatory Palestinein preparation for the establishment of a Jewish state.The plan was requested by theJewish Agencyleader David Ben-Gurion, and developed by theHaganahand finalized on March 10, 1948. The plan was a set of guidelines to take control of Mandatory Palestine, the conquest of Arab towns and villages inside and along the borders of the area allocated to the proposed Jewish State in theUN Partition Plan, declare a Jewish state, and defend its borders and people, including the Jewish population outside of the borders, "before, and in anticipation of" the invasion by regular Arab armies.
Britain couldnt contain the violence neither the the jewish terrorism against Britain ( a zionist terrorist group blew up the British HQ at King David Hotel killing 91 in 1946) or the "civil war" and ended its British Mandate for Palestine at midnight on 14 May 1948 running away and absolving itself of the mess it created. here , here , wiki .
Immediately David Ben-Gurion, the head of the Jewish Agency, proclaimed the establishment of the State of Israel.
At the time of the end of the Britains mandate 1948 zionist jews had not bought all the land of the 1947 UN resolution of the proposed israel state. They only held 6% . The Zionists needed to displace more Palestinians and steal more land. The Arab resistence and the counter terrorism and the civil war prior to the declaration of the Israel state just carried on into the1948-1949 to a war when 5 outside countries kept threats to intervene should UN and jews proceed with a zionist state and went to war with the "jews".
This is called the first Arab-israeli war which became then became Nakba or the Palestinian Catastrophe, and was the destruction of the Palestinian society and homeland in 1948, and the permanent displacement of many of the Palestinian Arabs. The "jews" destroyed 400-500 Palestinian villages often murdering the villagers, creating 700,000 refugees [nearly half the population ] in an area the war mostly never took place.!!!! there would be a no refugees if the jews had bought the land !!!!! At the end of the 1948-49 war, Zionist Israel controlled seventy-eight percent of Palestine, 25% more than the UN partition plan. Those borders of Israel /Palestine are called the Green Lines
But Palestine did not end up with a state of its own.
Jews who may or not be from historic Judah dont have a right to Palestine above any other ethnic group not by their history nor their bible.
Palestine was controlled by people before the Israelites displaced them and it was controlled by others afterward the jews . According to the Torah there was a jewish kingdom for 2-300 years being conquered in 722BC . Land renamed Syria Palaestina with Jews more fully removed in 2nd diaspora 135AD , and held by various empires up until the end of WW1 when the Ottomans lost it . Two of the colonial victorious armies Britain and France Empires divided up The middle East part of the Ottoman Empire and facilitated the jew return.
Jews ended up with a state because of colonisation by both Zionist jews and Britain at a time when Europed including Britain didnt want jews but didnt care where they went . Palestinian Arabs refused to let them in . Britain both helped "jews" then slowed jew immigration at which point zionist terrorism took over and they stole the rest of the land allocated to them by colonial powers that had the power but not the right too. The “surrogate colonization” of Palestine had a foreign power giving to a non-native group (zionist jews) rights over land occupied by an indigenous people (Palestinian Arabs) here. Colonisation was practised and acceptable at the time by the West but quickly fell out of favour very soon after. Most of the world was still colonised by Europe at that time accept for south America although it was already being interfered with by USA.
Israel is a settler coloniser state born on violence which I would say was sort of legal but ultimately unlawful.
In pure ethnic terms the Arab Palestinians are as or more jewish than the majority jews of Israel which came from Germany and Russia and called Ashkenzi jews who barley qualify as jewish (depending on your definition) . But its worse because now the zionism project was no longer based on nationality but become a fundamentalist religious justification and now you dont need ethnicity to qualify as jew. Israel state is so entwined with religion of Juadism you just need convert to judaism to be said "jew".
Every argument used against the palestinians can be used against the zionis israeli "jews" and with more validity. Theyre terrorists , they hold hostages, they want to ethnically cleanse from the river to the sea etc
There is alot to unpack in the history of Palestines 3 periods of history - pre 1918 and up to 1948 and after 1948. It has taken a couple of weeks of rabid learning just to scratch the surface and its not finished so if i have something wrong and you have corrections email me (in my bio).
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