Does Israel have a right to defend itself.
In failing most of the first 12 questions to satisfy Israel is Jewish homeland by right and lawfully done, the last claims by zionist jews are that;
Hamas is a islamic terrorist organisation who wants to destroy Israel and attacked the established state of Israel unprovoked on 7oct 2023, so Israel has the right to "defend itself' with as much force it wants and needs by destroying/ taking out the Islamic militant group Hamas along with thousands of civilians and infrastructure (and probably killing its own civilians -the hostages in the process)
This implication is Hamas is not practicing self defense .
To answer those questions we need to look at the history from 1949 until 7 oct 2023
First off states don't have rights, people have rights . States sign contracts and treaties and go to war or defend themselves. The UN has declared humans have rights here , to which both Israel and its USA benefactor are signatories, here . This declaration does not give any rights to humans to have a state. People in reality have the rights we give them when we live together in a group, usually set out by governments. In Western liberal democracy's those rights are life , liberty (freedom) and to own property , usually enshrined in some Bill of Rights like in NZ (BORA 1990 here ), UK (BOR 1689 here ) or USA (1st 10 constitution amendments here). States are usually the formation of a group of tribes or people in a bigger group with borders and a government always if not nearly always through violence. Those states governments are not always the voice of the people . States go to war for their political purposes ,and have usually justified or manipulated the people in some way to accept that war, as today most people do not want war.
It really comes down to what and how you describe the state of Israel and Palestine. Israel has moved from a secular colonisation project to a far right wing ideology which has brought in a religious element and changed the definition of jew , manipulating and conditioning its own people , american's and christians in the West. In a sense, we might say that the trajectory of contemporary Zionism has hopelessly conflated secular nationalism and religious ideology into one essential claim to historic Palestine. here
After the declaration of the state of Israel in 1948 and the resulting 1st Arab -Israeli war in 1948-1949 Egypt took control of Gaza strip and Jordan took control of West Bank until 1967.
In 1956 Israel led an attack on Gaza and Egypt to take control of Egypts Suez canal , joined by France and Britain. They withdrew after outside pressure.
The secular Palestinian Liberation Organisation was founded in 1964.
In 1967 Israel attacked Egypt again to take control of the Suez canal again . Syria and Jordan attacked Israel in retaliation. Israel won and took Sinai Peninsula and the Golan heights and the rest of Palestine (Gaza Strip and West Bank)
Egypt closed Suez canal until 1975. Saudi Arabi , Kuwait, Iraq, Libya and Algeria Banned oil shipments to USA, UK and Germany.
Egypt and Syria and a coalition of Arab states attacked Israel in 1973 in Yom Kippur War or 4th Arab-Israeli war which was the las one. Israel ultimately repelled the attack and regained lost ground, but only after the United States made the decision to supply the Israeli military. Members of the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC), led by King Faisal of Saudi Arabia, proclaimed an oil embargo targeted at nations that had supported Israel during the Yom Kippur War , leading to an oil crisis. This was part of the 1970s crises of capitalism that led us to have the even worse neo-liberalism. In 1978 at Camp David negotiations Israel began returning Sinai Peninsula to Egypt from 1979 to fully in 1982.
Hamas was formed in 1987 during 1st intifada (Palestinian uprising), with its roots from the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt [In September 2013, after their military coup an Egyptian court banned the Brotherhood to keep fundamentalist Islamism out]. Israel supported Hamas hoping it would divide the people and politics of Palestine to Break the PLO to ensure they had less unity and power so Israel could take more control of all of Palestine. here
Israel was confident in knowing what all non zionists know is that Hamas or any other replacement government do not have the capacity to destroy Israel.
In 1993, following the Oslo Accords, parts of the territories politically came under the jurisdiction of the Palestinian National Authority (Palestinian enclaves, in West Bank) technically known as Areas A and B). Israel still exercised full military control and, civil control over 61% of the West Bank (Area C).
In 2005, Israel pulled all its remaining forces out of the Gaza Strip and dismantled its settlements. Nevertheless, according to the international community, the Gaza Strip is still considered to be occupied by Israel. Israel has denied that it occupies the Gaza Strip, but 3 of the 4 borders of the Gaza Strip, including the coast are controlled by Israel (the fourth border sector near Rafah is controlled by Egypt). Israel has a sea blockade and controls its airspace on the Gaza strip as reaction to Hamas. Hamas was supported by Israel in 2006 and won election in Gaza strip as government . Israel did this to spilt Palestine and Palestinians and weaken PLO to more easily control or colonise Gaza strip . This means all hospitals, schools, library's , rubbish collections etc are governed by Hamas. Hamas fought Fatah (offshoot of PLO) in 2007 civil war and won and Israel soon changed its mind.
UN experts and even former British Prime Minister David Cameron have called (Gaza Strip) an “open air prison”.
The Golan Heights was under military administration until the Knesset passed the Golan Heights Law in 1981, which applied Israeli law to the territory; a move that has been described as an annexation. In response, the United Nations Security Council unanimously passed UNSC Resolution 497 which condemned the Israeli actions to change the status of the territory declaring them "null and void and without international legal effect", and that the Golan remained an occupied territory. In 2019, the United States became the only state to recognize the Golan Heights as Israeli sovereign territory, while the rest of the international community continues to consider the territory Syrian held under Israeli military occupation. here
And the Supreme Court of Israel, with a variety of different justices sitting, has repeatedly stated that Israel's presence in the West Bank is in violation of international law. here
The UN has issued many resolutions against Israel , none recognised by Israel here What the impotent UN thinks
hereIsrael has broken many other UN resolutions , here All because it has the backing of the west and in particular USA knowing the UN is toothless and impotent not least because of USA and UK veto powers.
Amnesty International explains the some here along with current war crimes , here
The current state of occupation in Palestinian West Bank by Israel with their unlawful wall explained here.
as shown here
An up to date map as at 6 October 2023 showing controlled areas (not claims of areas) here.
Israel does not have the right to defend itself when it is occupying power of someone else's territory by international law here
Ideally a single secular state is created, with Palestinians refugees returning giving an equal population and keeping fundamentalists on both sides out of parliament ie both current governments.
In which case the 2 state solution is the next best alternative where Israel withdraws to the proposed woodhouse borders where both Palestine and Israel have 2 separate single states as should have happened once the single state was rejected by the Jews. or at least the 1949 armistice borders with shared Jerusalem.
The problem is zionist Jew fundamentalists who view the land as theirs and wont share while Hamas have changed their stance. Israel does not now recognise the proposed UN 1947 borders or the 1949 armistice green line borders or 1967 borders. While many states including all the Arab states do recognise the 1967 borders. In fact given Israels declaration the West Banks not occupied but disputed it really does not recognise Palestines right of state . This has been a major contention in any peace deals between Israel and Palestine. The other contention is the Palestinian right of return , the political position or principle that Palestinian refugees [both first-generation refugees and their descendants] have a right to return, and a right to the property they themselves or their forebears left behind or were forced to leave in what is now Israel and the Palestinian territories. UN General Assembly Resolution 3236, passed on 22 November 1974 declared the right of return to be an "inalienable right".
Most world leaders support the 2 state solution to the Israeli-Palestine conflict. The Palestinian leadership has embraced the concept since the 1982 Arab Summit in Fez, and in 2017 Hamas accepted the idea of a Palestinian state within the 1967 borders.
But currently most Palestinians believe that a two-state solution is unlikely to emerge from the conflict. Instead, a majority of them say they prefer to reclaim all of historic Palestine, including the pre-1967 Israel. A one-state solution with Arabs and Jews holding equal rights comes in second. Similarly, recent polling from PCPSR finds support among Palestinians and Israeli Jews for a two-state solution has dropped to 43 percent and 42 percent, respectively. here.
In December 2022, support for a two-state solution was 33% among Palestinians, 34% among Israeli Jews, and 60% among Israeli Arabs. 82% of Israeli Jews and 75% of Palestinians believed that the other side would never accept the existence of their independent state. here
3rd option - is a 3 state solution where former American ambassador to the United Nations John R. Bolton has suggested a "'three-state' approach, where Gaza is returned to Egyptian control and the West Bank in some configuration reverts to Jordanian sovereignty". Much further down on the options desired by Palestine.
4th option - no state solution- ie all lands of historic Palestine would be internationalized, and would become part of a new United Nations ‘Trust Territory’ (UNTT).here
The Wests complicity [either supporting Israel or doing nothing] in the conflict allows for it to remain unsettled which allows Israel to continue to this day to terrorise Palestinians, detaining and imprisoning them, killing them without consequences , on whims and made up rules that suit Israel while it continues to occupy and settle more Palestinian land thereby stealing it. The population of Israeli settlers in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, grew from 520,000 to more than 700,000 between 2012 and 2022, according to the U.N. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.
Geo politics of Palestine
USA was historically anti "Jew" (what people mistakenly call anti-semite) like most European countries here . But now USA is one of the main supporters of Israel in propaganda and money .reason for Israel's belligerence, arrogance and success in defending its colonisation of Palestine. This is because USA is not interested in justice. It is interested in control and maintaining its empire . Its record speaks for itself. It simultaneously hypocritically funds Israel's military and colonisation of Palestine and vetoes UN resolutions to solve the crises while often brokering peace deals . USA does not want peace nor does it want war it wants instability . This way Israel needs USA support and in turn Arab countries detest or fear Israel and this means USA can then control the Arab countries as well, like it does Egypt . Egypt once a victim of colonisation and Israel's wars now is more or less a supporter of Israel. here . Not just for the USA money but to keep out the Islamic state (Hamas) The conflict and crises created Hamas and in turn Egypt wants to keep Hamas and other radical Muslim groups like the brotherhood out so is no friend of Gaza. Once a peaceful solution is found in Palestine. USA will have less control over all the countries in the conflict. Israel is a anti Arab state in the middle of the Middle East that USA wants there as a semi puppet state the same as Russia wanted Belarus and Ukraine (albeit for different reasons - to keep NATO at bay).
USA politicians want to get Tiktok to ban pro Palestinian views. here
Israel is so arrogant and self assured of USA support it writes the names of USA citizens , critical of Israel's behaviour, on their bombs they drop on Palestinian civilians.
President Truman explaining how they could not give all Palestine to zionist Jews in one go, but had to do it with duplicity slowly over time , here.
1) "Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign aid: until February 2022, the United States had provided Israel US$150 billion (non-inflation-adjusted) . About half of USAs foreign aid was going to Israel . Of which in 1999, the US government signed a Memorandum of Understanding through which it committed to providing Israel with at least US$2.67 billion in military aid annually, for the following ten years; in 2009, the annual amount was raised to US$3 billion; and in 2019, the amount was raised again, now standing at a minimum of US$3.8 billion that the US is committed to providing Israel each year." here , here.
Egypt is the recipient of the 2nd biggest amount of aid from USA , which like Israel goes on military, here. and will explain its reluctance to help Gaza anymore. In order to keep Israel in power and Arab countries subdued in a very co-dependent relationship between Israel and USA. No other countries come close.
2) In Noam Chompsky's book "Hegemony Or Survival - America's Quest For Global Dominance" in chapter 7 , he discusses the USA veto's on security council resolutions to end the Palestine-Israel conflict. . While Al Jazeera numbers veto's as 56 . here . here
Its about oil;
The 1960s proposed Ben Gurion canal as alternative to Suez canal , is longer because it has to avoid Gaza- if Israel controlled Gaza 100% ie without resistance then it would be shorter and cheaper . here
But there's much much more to it than just oil , its about about power and control , hegemony.
Joe Biden said in 1986 "Where there not an Israel United states of American would have to invent an Israel to protect its interests in the region"
Since the ending of the cold war with Russia in the 1990s the stated foreign policy in the 1992 Wolfowitz Doctrine declares USA number world superpower and remaining that way in large part by controlling the rest of the world. USA has over 800 military bases in over 70 countries around the world to fulfil this and spends more than the next 9 biggest military spenders.. here
Paul Wolfowitz was an American born Jewish neo-con son of a into a Polish Jewish immigrant family
The problem with Christian zionism, especially in USA
Heres a short doco on USA politicians lies and coverage of Hamas reasons for oct7th
The Lobby – USA , a four-part undercover investigation by Al Jazeera into Israel’s covert influence campaign in the United States
Zionist Israeli Jews especially its government are a fanatical, nationalistic, militaristic, extremely xenophobic, racist political identity with a political purpose hidden under a veil of fundamentalists religion of a made up god, claiming they have a right ordained by that god to live in an area they stole and have lived in about a 5% of the time of civilisation as a sovereign state and 1/3 of time as majority population of civilisation in that area since they first conquered the land from others. If they (zionist Israelis) are not then Israel Government they voted for to continue apartheid and commit genocide is not democratic.
Israel and their "Jew" zionism closely resembles the core ideology of NAZI fascism . Hitler wanted to rebuild the German empire in the Third Reich, rebuilding a once great lost empire built on blood and sand and need for more territory (Lebensraum aka living space/land in German) over less than human (Slavs in Hitler's case) occupants , for their economy and population . The nation is so nationalistic the people work for the nation not the other way around. Described here. Hitler was racist and considered the Aryan the superior "race" and Jews inferior and did not want to mix Aryan blood with Jew blood so wanted them expelled (least before holocaust of 1941). Hitler and NAZIS considered Slavs less than human. This was reflected in their Volkisch equality The Nazis heavily reduced media agency numbers and controlled the media .
Fascism is a far right wing ideology.
NAZIsm was set up as a third way not capitalism or socialism ,.
Zionist Jews in Israel state (Govt) fulfil much of this ;
- Recreate the fabled mythical once great kingdom of Israel built on blood and sand
- The whole project was born on as colonisation ,the need for stealing land and evicting the occupiers, its still an expansionist ideology.
- Jews work for the state as born out by the Hannibal directive and treatment of hostages (see last page video link) , conscripted army and zionist Israel state conditioning/brainwashing .
- Many Jews feel they do not want Arabs in Israel or Palestine so they do not water down their blood. here . This is reflected in their treatment of non zonist Jews in NAZI like Volkisch equality . - Israel is prepared to practice pogrom thou most critics call it genocide.
- Frenetic brainwashing
- Revisionist modern zionist's quote bible , believe they are gods chosen (superior) ones.
- Current Israel has completely prevented journalists entering Gaza from 7 oct 2023 but have have managed to murder 63 journalists so far. here - Unlike NAZI dictatorship Israel is still considered a democracy (least for "Jew" citizens) . But the current Israel Government is tryin to restrict supreme court power and independence thereby restricting separation of powers reducing democracy. Israeli Ashkenazi Jew Professor of history, Ilan Pappe does not think Israel is a democracy either israel-cannot-be-a-colonial-power-and-a-democracy - Current Israel government is the most right wing with far right coalition partners..
- Netanyahu and other right wing politicians call Palestinians animals.
- Israel minister of Heritage calls for more painful deaths for Palestinians, here - Zionism project was originally envisaged as a way between capitalism and socialism.
Ex holocaust survivor says so, here .here
It should come as no surprise Israel's partner in crime and benefactor USA is the other country that closely resembles fascist ideology. USA is the largest terrorist organisation in the world and has been since WW2. Its founded in its Manifest Destiny , its American Exceptionalism , its racism and slavery and white supremacy , its stealing of native lands and its nation state built on "blood and sand" , its non left history , its anti communism brainwashing . Kennedy famously said "ask not what your country can do for you but ask what you can do for your country" , that is NAZIsm born from conservatism.
Noam Chompsky called USA the biggest threat to world peace.
While Israel's not strictly in the same category as there is 20% Arabs / Muslem's still living in Israel but they do not have the same rights, its about the very close similarities to an ideology, here . Israel has reduced the supreme court powers to make itself less accountable ergo reducing democracy .
You could say Israel is protecting itself but that's not true. The state of Israel is bigger than the original UN partition plan , bigger than the green line after the 1949 war . Israel is not a victim of this conflict, it is the primary perpetrator and aggressor. Palestine is the victim of colonisation first by Britain then by Israel.
Zionist Israel wants all Palestine land and or subjugation by Palestinians and will never change their mind or sue for peace. In a few more decades this whole map [below of Palestinian land loss] will be white because the world sat by and did nothing. Including the New Zealand Government who adds its voice to the oppressors without criticising their actions but simply calls for ceasefire when conflict blows up. here . While earlier versions of the MFAT webpage on Palestine were much more biased in favour of Israel. This latest webpage here you will notice is much better, thou still slightly biased. It condemns Hamas as a terrorist organisation but not Israel . Instead of Israel's right too defend itself it is now Israel's right to peace and security (implying same thing). It talks of Palestine's right to a state and security but not to peace .
Israel is the last western colonisation program . The world has rejected colonisation since WWII with much of it especially in Asia and Africa becoming uncolonised over decades with Namibia only decolonised in 1990 while Canada , USA, Australia and NZ still are not and will never truely be decolonised. . And is why the world did not object to the creation of the state of Israel.
German Police enforce governments pro Israel anti Palestine stance
14 USA states Attorney Generals attempting ban any reporting on Hamas threatens journalism.
Former Greek economics minister Ioannis Georgiou "Yanis" Varoufakis speaks out also
Israel's new ultra right nationalist helped bring the current far right government to power.
Palestinian West Bank land is being sold for zionists only in US here , here , here
Hamas is the Government of Gaza strip .It is Ilamist based . While it was elected in in 2006 . Fatah resisted Hamas election started a civil war which Hamas won. Hamas has not had an election since. . The current far right current in Israel government and groups like Hamas rise due to need not religion as was the case of ISIS in Syria . These views are the extreme not the majority , but prohibit peace. here
None the less Hamas was supported by the Israeli government to weaken PLO and divide Palestinian s initially. here
While these secular Palestinians dominated the scene during the 1970s, religious movements also grew. The failure of Arab nationalism in the 1967 war resulted in the strengthening of both progressive and extremist Islamic movements. here
Scott Ritter also covers Israel's creation of Hamas and its real intent as I have mentioned.
This touches on Hamas reasons for attack and Israel's solution.
The occupation and settlements in Palestine and Golan heights are considered illegal here
Palestinian Homes Are Being Demolished in Jerusalem,
homes stolen
settler violence on Palestinians
All of the above
2 Ex Israeli soldier explaining the colonisation and its indoctrinated culture.
Israel is a terrorist state
The definition of terrorism from oxford dictionary;
"the fight against terrorism"
While no western government is willing to call Israel a terrorist state many middle east countries have. Countries
that have condemned Israel's role as a perpetrator of state-sponsored
terrorism or state terrorism
include Bolivia,Iran, Lebanon,Saudi
Arabia,Syria,[6]Turkey,and Yemen.[
Ex Israeli soldier says he was the terrorist
and this is terrorism - 13yo old Palestinian held on no charges - a hostage a cause of 7th oct
ex military explaining the futile nature of Israel propaganda
Israel's role in war crimes committed during the Guatemalan civil war
Israeli sniper murders 2 catholic Christian women in Gaza, here
Israeli sniper intentionally murdered USA journalist Shireen Abu Akleh .
Which is a pattern of behaviour
This Al Jazeera article explains Hamas attacks of which the important 2 points boil down to Israel terrorism in West Bank and falling ability to make a Palestinian state due to it and western complicity . here or here. With 155 Palestinians killed in Israel occupied West Bank last year in 2022 and 172 this year alone before Oct 7th , at a time of no conflict.
Palestine PM calls on the world to stop Israel's crimes of Apartheid . Which are explained here here
In August 2023 Israel's far right minister Ben-vir said its his right to freely move around the occupied West Bank is superior to the freedom of movement for Palestinians. here.
Explained in this 9 min video here
Pakistan Ambassador speaks out against Israel
Russel Betrand's 1970 letter speaking out against Israel's aggression just before he died and nothing has changed.
Ex Israeli soldier gives a view on Israel's terrorism
Palestinian civilian deaths from occupation terrorism, excluding foreign doctors journalists and supporters like American Rachel Alien Corrie murdered 2003. Which Israel has just more than doubled in 3 weeks in oct 2023 alone.
In the latest conflict its 99% certain Israel has targeted a hospital and killed at least 500 including babies . We say this because although IJC contradicts this here. everything screams Israel did it .The size of the blast is much bigger than Hamas home made rockets could manage. Israel made threats to bomb the hospital days before, has accused Hamas of operating from under hospitals and schools , has lied about doing the same thing before. Has bombed 30% of Gaza. Israel doesnt care about killing its own citizens , so why would they apply different position to their occupied people who they care for less. The leadership has said so, days ago Israeli President Isaac Herzog blamed Palestinian civilians in Gaza as a whole for Hamas’s October 7 attack: “It is an entire nation out there that is responsible.” here here. Which even the UN denounces, here. here here
7 World Central Food kitchen staff targeted intentionally murdering them in 3 separate drone strikes.
Nearly 200 historical sites destroyed here here 1000 out of 1200 mosques destroyed here 90% of school buildings destroyed or damaged and all universities destroyed here Every hospital in Gaza is either damaged, destroyed, or out of service due to lack of fuel; only 13 hospitals are even partially functioning. here
Destruction covered here updated 3 may 2024 here .
All to " destroy Hamas" the government of Gaza so they say .
This forms part of the basis of South Africas case of Genocide against Israel which the ICJ failed to rule adequately using double speak The ICJ did not call for an immediate cease-fire, nor did it rule on whether Israel is in fact committing a genocide, but it did instruct Israel to take provisional measures to prevent genocidal acts.
While killing civilians is indefensible but sometimes collateral damage as here we should not be surprised every nation denouncing it has practiced intentional killing of civilians in war especially by Germany (on Warsaw, Poland) , Japan (on China) , Britain (under Churchill on Dresden, Germany) and the worst country USA in WW2 on Dresden and Japan and more recently USA in Asia in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia and still more recently in Iraq this century when it suited them.
None the less Israel's response to Izz ad Din al-Qassam Brigades (in short Al-Qassam and Hamas in error) ) attack 7 oct is out of proportion and the civilian deaths are war crime and Britain and USA are complicit as they provide weapons and support.
At a controversial meeting of Chicago council voting to support Israel's genocide Gabriel Miller speaks out against the Israeli zionist supporters , exposing the hypocrites of the international community and its complicity in Gaza genocide at Chicago council . here
Raphael Lemkin, a Polish-Jew documented Nazi atrocities in his 1944 book, Axis Rule in Occupied Europe. In this text, he introduced the word “genocide. First described genocide as we mean the destruction of a nation or of an ethnic group genocide does not necessarily mean the immediate destruction of a nation, except when accomplished by mass killings of all members of a nation. It is intended rather to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves. Genocide is directed against the national group as an entity, and the actions involved are directed against individuals, as members of the national group”
While genocide is defined by UN as;
The current definition of Genocide is set out in Article II of the Genocide
Genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in
whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated
to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group
When everyone calls it genocide Israel's reaction is to deny the Palestinian people exist or had a culture ergo not genocide. and allows you to carry on against international outrage. Israel's finance minister Bezal Smotrich an ultra nationalist member of Israel's ruling coalition and responsible for for administering the West Bank claimed there is no such thing as Palestinian culture, history or people in march 2023 here
The acceptance by a very large part of Israel's occupation , war crimes and genocide is possible through indoctrination
Ex military now run a Breaking the Silence project established 2004 against Israels colonisation
Jewish-American activist Maya Edery on her journey away from Zionist Israeli indoctrination.
Ilan Pappe explains his indoctrination at 10m 10 s
Video on Israel's roadmap to apartheid
The media mostly driven by western media is on the side of Israel here . here and they still quote Hamas killing 1400 Israelis even thou its well proven lies.
Pushback by Jews against zionist Israel
As mentioned in part 1 not all Jews support Israel as as homeland or Israel's colonisation of Palestine or of Palestine's part of the UN partition land.
Even some progressive Jews speak out against the zionist "Jew" war crimes, thou clearly some are having trouble now for the first time Israeli deaths exceeded Palestinian deaths temporarily although this has been remedied in the last 4 weeks. here, here. This Rabbi took decades to reject zionist Israel and its brainwashing and gets punished for it . here Orthodox Jews also speak out against Israel's behaviour here here As do noted professors like Noam Chompsky here Watch the Israeli police violently oppose orthodox Jews at the 5m30s mark here
Even left wing Israeli's are not free from persecution by Israeli state for calling it out.
Israels goal is complete control of all of former Palestine without pushback
This is clear in its words and in its actions.
While Hamas had in its former charter the destruction of Israel until it softened its stance allowing creation of a Palestinian State which implies a State of Israel to exist. here But the same cant be said of Netanyahu and Lukid Pary. Netanyahu's Lukid party also have the same explicit goals of the destruction of the Palestine state which has in its forming Charter , here
Wikipedia list only Netanyahu as rejecting a 2 state solution here This video explains Netanyahu wants Hamas to attack Israel to justify no 2 state and the genocide is about dominating Palestine.
Tzipi Hotovely Israeli ambassador to UK In 2023 says no 2 state solution,
Netanyahu and zionist Israel and zionists do not want a single state or a 2 state solution , what they want is total control of occupied Palestine without resistance and an apartheid state where where Israel can practice genocide and terrorism on Palestinians because they are not Israeli citizens but occupied aliens and so do not have the same rights especially human rights .Some view this as Israels goal and some view it as zionists Israels temporary setup .
As outlined in an interview between Toufic Haddad and Ilan Pappé Israel’s emergent political formations believe alternatives to Oslo exist and should be considered and potentially exercised, including declaration of unapologetic Jewish-supremacist apartheid, total annexation of the OPT and ethnic cleansing of those who resist. This apartheid state might not be temporary if no other "jews" immigrate to Israel and the ratio of zionist Jews to Palestinian Arabs is not high enough.. here
Latest at 9 may 2024 building settlements in Gaza here
Former President Jimmy Carter (2006) emphasised that the Oslo interim agreement was an apartheid solution, not for an independent Palestinian state. The US has talked about a two-state solution but has so far been unwilling to put any pressure to end the expansion of settlements and remove separation barriers on Palestine lands or dismantle check points and remove bypass roads only for settlers (see Figure 3). “And therefore, we should acknowledge that the Oslo process was not a fair and equal pursuit of peace, but a compromise agreed to by a defeated, colonised people” here .
Israels lies about 7 oct
On the 7th October 2023 attack by Al-Qassam into Israel that took hostages and deaths occurred.. Where Israel claimed 1400 killed included babies beheaded and 250 hostages taken. But thats a lie and now the truth comes out
First they reduced the 1400 to 1200
Now its lower again . here
In debunked segment from Zateo here
This Israeli hostage say she was treated well which contrasts story's like Mias, here
That IDF killed many Israelis intentionally or accidently because of protocol, zealousness and ineptitude.
Where he points out Israel's Hannibal direct dictates that Israel murders all captive soldiers to prevent negotiation. It seems they practised that on 7 Oct and looks that way with the 200 + Hamas hostages of Israelis where there's no attempt to save them.
Hamas says it went to get soldiers to exchange for Palestinian hostages held by Israel and civilians were collateral damage. Their statements from 3min here
And since
Its hard to believe Israel even wants the hostages back alive , that its not a political tool. here
Leaving aside the murder of its own citizens which may/may not be part of the false flag there's some facts beginning to emerge that point to an event similar to 911 that makes it look like 7oct was aided as inside job by israel.
Israel knew a year in advance of a coming attack here Egypt warned Israel days before Hamas struck, US committee chairman says.
The festival was supposed finish the day before on oct 6
Prior stock market movement looked like someone knew here It took 7-10 hrs for IDF to respond officially.
I take this with a grain of salt being a conspiratorial web site
(here) but non the less there will be truth in here. for eg a i cant confirm 700 soldiers died -israel's only saying 600 since 7th oct.
Here that's Washington Post article quoted
None the less all this explains why Israel blocks any UN investigation of 7th Oct in case its shown to the world.
But what's is to be done now ?
Either the Arab Nations unify and obliterate Israel once and for all or we make the BDS so big it cripples Israel economically and forces USA to stop funding their terrorism of Palestine.
Other considerations
Regardless of your views it should be dawning on you the failure of goals of
The UN - they helped set up the Israeli colonisation project and its current conflict and have failed to stop Israel's colonisation and terrorism of Palestine and the israeli Palestine conflict.
Not surprising as they failed in Rwanda conflict , they set up the Indonesian colonisation of West Papua 1962 , failing in the current Ukraine conflict,
Failure of "Jewish" values - Israel is destroying itself from within . Not only in allowing its government not move to extreme right resembling elements of fascism which goes hand in hand with destroying all its so called values it espouses
What are Jewish Values ?
This should be very alarmist for the world and says the world is no a safe place from conflict unless its going to be resolved by American diplomacy ie coercion and guns: and especially for non western countries.
Israel is the aggressor and bully here going back to not only 1948 but further to about 1929. For Israel to claim it has a right to protect itself it cannot be a coloniser and occupier and terroriser of Palestine . Which is condemned by the UN and most of the world . It must withdraw to the 1949 green line borders and negotiate permanent peace.
If the West opposes the war of Russia in Ukraine then it must in fair justice oppose Israel's colonisation and war on occupied Palestine.
In summary Edward Said said it best here
Timeline since 1949 ,
1950 Israel's Mossad terrorism scares Jews to immigrate to Israel by bombing synagogues in Iraq, here
Israel enacts Law of Return , which gives Jews, people with one or more Jewish grandparent, and their spouses the right to to relocate to Israel and acquire Israeli citizenship. (amended 1970) . Yet according to the halakhic (religious law) definition, a person is Jewish if their mother is Jewish, or if they convert to Judaism. Orthodox Jews reject this applies to the other two strains of Jews (reform and conservative)
Israel's Knesset postpones making a constitution in Harari Decision of June 30, 1950.
1953 It is impossible to contract a mixed marriage in the State of Israel since, according to section 2 of the Rabbinical Courts Jurisdiction (Marriage and Divorce) Law, 5713 – 1953, no marriages of Jews in Israel are valid unless contracted in accordance with the law of the Torah. here
The Academy of the Hebrew Language (was established by the Israeli government in 1953 as the "supreme institution for scholarship on the Hebrew language.
1954 The Lavon terrorist affair was a failed Israeli covert operation, codenamed Operation Susannah, conducted in Egypt in the summer of 1954. As part of a false flag operation, a group of Egyptian Jews were recruited by Israeli military intelligence to plant bombs inside Egyptian-, American-, and British-owned civilian targets: cinemas, libraries, and American educational centers.
1955 Vietnam as most of Asia was European colonised except it was overtaken by Japan in WW2.While North Vietnam declared a republic in 1945 after Japan surrendered , South Vietnam did not just becomes de-colonised republic.
1956OctKafr Qasim massacre of October 1956, when, on the eve of the Sinai operation, forty-nine Palestinian citizens were killed by the Israeli army.
Oct, The 2nd Arab-Israeli war. The combined forces of Israel, France, and Britain launched a war against Egypt , who had been aiding Gaza, over colonial control over the Suez canal with the intention to occupy the Sinai Peninsula and to take over the Suez Canal... here
1957 Ghana becomes the first African country to "de-colonise" form Europe.
1960 Palestine land sales banned to foreigners in Palestine. here here .
1960, administration of the land held by the JNF-KKL, apart from forested areas, was transferred to a newly formed government agency, the Israel Land Administration (ILA).
The United Nations General Assembly Resolution 1514 (1960) states that:
All peoples have the right to self-determination; by virtue of that right they may freely determine
their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development. here
1964 Palestinian Liberation Organisation is established
1967 3rd Arab–Israeli war, aka the 6 day war. Israel attacked Egypt again as well as Syria . Israel won , takes the Sinai Peninsula from Egypt and Golan heights from Syria and claims more of West bank including Jerusalem , here. Afterwards, the United Nations Security Council unanimously passed resolution 242 calling for Israeli withdrawal from the territories occupied during the war, in exchange for "termination of all claims or states of belligerency" and "acknowledgement of sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of every state in the area".
Israel bans the Palestinian flag being flown (just as coloniser Indonesia does of the West Papua flag- yet another UN fuck up after de-colonisation)
1968 The Israeli Military Commander passed Military Order 291, stopping all ongoing land registration processes and prohibiting any further new registrations. This system combined with a discriminatory planning regime paved the way for the confiscation of substantial amounts of Palestinian land in the West Bank.
Establishment of UN Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories.
1970 The law of return is amended to include fathers line , non Jews and religious converts to Judaism here.
1973 4th Arab-Israeli war aka the Yom-Kippur war , which lead to the oil crises. Unlike the last 2 wars started by Israel this was initiated by Egypt and Syria this time, to force Israel to the negotiating table to return stolen land from the 1967 war. USA aids Israel saving it , but this eventually enabled Egypt to negotiate the return of Sinai Peninsula. in 1979, but not the Golan heights. here
1974 Jan Menachen Begin who was commander of the Terrorist organisation Irgun pre Israel state , who starts Lukid Party and is Prime Minister from 1973 -1983 gets Noble peace prize in 1978 declare himself the worlds biggest terrorist in an interview.
22 Nov, United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3236 recognised the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination, national independence and sovereignty in Palestine and right of return . It also recognised the PLO as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people.
29 Nov United Nations GA resolution 3246 affirms right of armed resistance by oppressed people in pursuit of right of self determination .
1975 UN GA December 5: Resolution 3414: Calls for economic sanctions and an arms embargo on Israel until it withdraws from all territories occupied in 1967 and grants the Palestinians their "inalienable national rights".
1977 Zahir Muhsein, a PLO executive committee member, during an interview with the Dutch newspaper Trouw said:
The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a “distinct Palestinian people” to oppose Zionism.
UN declares The International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People which is observed by the United Nations on or around 29 November each year, in accordance with General Assembly mandates contained in resolutions 32/40 B of 2 December 1977, 34/65 D of 12 December 1979,
1978 March 1978, a team of Fatah commandos staged an attack on Israel, hijacking a bus and taking its passengers hostage. The operation's organizers had sought to use the hostages to negotiate the release of Palestinian prisoners inside Israel.
Egypt negotiates with Israel at Camp David with a Framework for the Conclusion of a Peace Treaty between Egypt and Israel. In 1978 at Camp David negotiations Israel began returning Sinai Peninsula to Egypt from 1979 to fully in 1982.The UN General Assembly rejected the Framework for Peace in the Middle East, because the agreement was concluded without participation of UN and PLO and did not comply with the Palestinian right of return, of self-determination and to national independence and sovereignty.
Israel launches Operation Litani – the first Israeli large-scale invasion of Lebanon, to "drive PLO out".
In the resolution, the Security Council determined: "that the policy and practices of Israel in establishing settlements in the Palestinian and other Arab territories occupied since 1967 have no legal validity and constitute a serious obstruction to achieving a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in the Middle East".
Criticising Israel for not complying with resolution 446 . Expressed concern for Israel settlement policy in the Arab territories and recalled resolutions 237, 252, 267, 271 & 291. It further called on state and people of Israel to dismantle the settlements.
Israel passes law forbidding artwork of "political significance" banned artwork composed of its four colours, and Palestinians were arrested for displaying such artwork.
1981 The Golan was under military administration until the Knesset passed the Golan Heights Law in 1981, which applied Israeli law to the territory; a move that has been described as an annexation.
Hezbollah was established in Lebanon by Lebanese clerics in the wake of the 1982 Lebanon War .
1982 February The Yinon Plan refers to an article published in February 1982 in the Hebrew journal Kivunim ("Directions" published by the World Zionist Organization's) entitled 'A Strategy for Israel in the 1980s. here. here
1983 The UN Report of the International Conference on The Question of Palestine, Here The UN General Assembly Resolutions : Resolution 38/17 here Resolution 38/58 on the question of Palestine, here
Palestinians have a recognized right under international law to resist Israeli occupation under Protocol I of the Geneva Conventions. This right is affirmed in the context of the right of self-determination of all peoples under foreign and colonial rule. The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) has expressly affirmed the right of Palestinians to resist Israeli military occupation, including through armed struggle. General Assembly resolution A/RES/38/17 (22/11/1983) stated that it "Reaffirms the legitimacy of the struggle of peoples for their independence, territorial integrity, national unity and liberation from colonial domination, apartheid and foreign occupation by all available means, including armed struggle".
Reiterated in UN resolution 45/130 here
1986 Israel issues Hannibal directive - To kill its own captured soldiers rather than bargain for their release. here.
1987 Palestinians living under Israeli rule began an uprising known as the first intifada
Afterwards Hamas was founded by Palestinian imam and activist Ahmed Yassin.
1988 15 November, The Palestinian Declaration of Independence formally established the State of Palestine, and was written by Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish and proclaimed by Yasser Arafat . This formally established the de jure sovereign state by in-exile of the Palestinian National Council. The declaration was promptly acknowledged by a range of countries, and by the end of the year, the proclaimed Palestinian state was recognized by over 78 countries.
December 15 , UN General Assembly Resolution 43/177 acknowledged the Palestinian Declaration of Independence of November 1988. Although it still only has non member observer status in the UN since 2012 . Read UNs papers here
1990 - The Abraham Accords began with the groundbreaking Israel-UAE agreement in August, 2020. then later Bahrain , Sudan , Morocco
1991 Izz ad Din al-Qassam Brigades (the military wing of Hamas) is established , here , here
USA issues the Wolfowitz doctrine to control the world wiki
1993 September 13, Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) Negotiator Mahmoud Abbas signed a Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government Arrangements, commonly referred to as the “Oslo Accord,” here at the White House. Israel accepted the PLO as the representative of the Palestinians, and the PLO renounced terrorism and recognized Israel’s right to exist in peace. The Oslo peace process did not promise to create a viable sovereign Palestinian state, but instead accepted the creation of a regional autonomy for Palestinians in which they would have autonomy over the territories of 21 per cent of the West Bank. here
1995 November , Rabin was assassinated by Yigal Amir, an Israeli who opposed the Oslo Accords on religious grounds.He was a follower of Natanyahu . Netanhayu fosted by more right wing zionist's symbolised death to Rabin .
1996 Current Prime minster Benjamin Netanyahu is first elected. Being the first actually born in Israel.
1997 Dec 4th, "But we know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians" ~ Nelson Mandela during the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian people, Pretoria, South Africa. Address here.
Yasser Arafat International Airport in Gaza construction started (from Oslo Accord agreement) - completed in 1998
1999 Israeli lawyer Howard Grief presented the "Petition to Annul the Interim Agreement" to Israel's Supreme Court claiming that the agreements between Israel and the PLO were illegal both under constitutional and criminal Israeli law. The Supreme Court called the petition "a political position" and would not deal with it.
2000 Palestine reject the Camp David accords. Palestinians objected to the lack of sovereignty and to the right of Israel to keep Jewish neighborhoods that it built over the Green Line in East Jerusalem, which the Palestinians claimed block the contiguity of the Arab neighborhoods in East Jerusalem.
2001 Israeli airstrikes destroyed the radar station and control tower on 4 December 2001 of Yasser Arafat airport and bulldozers cut the runway on 10 January 2002.
2004 UNGA resolution 58/292 affirmed that the status of the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem, remains one of military occupation, and that Israel has only the duties and obligations of an occupying Power under the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons and the Hague Convention. Further it was reaffirmed that the Palestinian people have the right to self-determination and to sovereignty over their territory.
2005 Gaza strip technically returned to Palestinian control by Israel
The Israeli high court ruled that the army's long-standing practice of using Palestinian civilians as human shields in combat is illegal under international law.
2006, Hamas won the 2006 Palestinian legislative elections and assumed administrative control of Gaza Strip and West Bank. Supported by Israel. here.
2006 Lebanon War (summer 2006) – Began as a military operation in response to the abduction of two Israeli reserve soldiers by the Hezbollah.
2007 The Battle of Gaza, also referred to as Hamas's takeover of Gaza, was a military conflict between Fatah and Hamas that took place in the Gaza Strip from 10 to 15 June 2007, here. After Hamas took control of Gaza a blockade was been imposed by Israel and Egypt on the movement of goods and people in and out of the Gaza Strip. Leading to to significant humanitarian challenges, as it restricts the flow of essential goods, contributing to economic hardship.
2008 Israeli
Lawyer Howard Grief laid out his personal opinion in his thesis that
Israel is legally entitled to colonise all of Palestine in his book
“The legal foundation and Borders of Israel under International
Law” . Based on the ratification by allied powers of the Balfour declaration at San Remo peace conference. Despite it not being recognised that way at the time especially in the declaration of Israel independence here. .
This is to justify Israel's actions in their occupation and
control of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip currently . here
Isarel launches operation Operation Cast Lead (Dec ) Israel responded to ongoing rocket fire from the Gaza Strip with military force . Israel's stated aim was to stop such rocket fire from
2009 United Nations Security Council Resolution 1860, adopted January 8, 2009, after recalling resolutions242(1967),338(1973),1397(2002),1515(2003) and1850(2008) on the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, the Council called for an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza War following 13 days of fighting between Israel and Hamas. The resolution called for "an immediate ceasefire in Gaza leading to a full Israeli withdrawal, unimpeded provision through Gaza of food, fuel and medical treatment, and intensified international arrangements to prevent arms and ammunition smuggling.
Current PM Benjamin Netanyahu is re-elected. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton voiced support for the establishment of a Palestinian state – a solution not endorsed by prime minister-designate Benjamin Netanyahu . During President Obama's Cairo speech on 4 June 2009 in which Obama addressed the Muslim world, Obama stated, among other things, "The United States does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlements." Netanyahu said that any furtherance of negotiations with the Palestinians would be conditioned on the Palestinians recognizing Israel as a Jewish state. here
2010 July , Former British prime minister David Cameron once described the Gaza Strip as a “prison camp” when speaking to an audience of businessmen during a visit to Turkey where he criticised Israel for launching an attack on a convoy transporting Turkish activists and aid to Gaza killing 9.
2011 Israel builds "Iron Dome" defense system funded by USA.
2012 29 November the UN General Assembly voted by 138 to 9, with 46 abstentions to recognize Palestine as a "non-member observer state". On the following day, Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu announced the building of 3,000 new homes on land to the east of East Jerusalem, in an area referred to as "E-1" here
Israel's operation Pillar of Defense ironically means invading Gaza again
2014 On 8 July, Israel launched a military operation codenamed Operation Protective Edge, the third major offensive in Gaza since 2008.
The resolution states that Israel's settlement activity in "Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem" constitutes a "flagrant violation" of international law and has "no legal validity". It demands that Israel stop such activity and fulfill its obligations as an occupying power under the Fourth Geneva Convention.
2017 Hamas revises its covenant declaring Palestine to be free within the 1967 borders but not Israel's right to exist. here. Its here. here
2018 The Israeli Supreme Court on Thursday night, 24 May 2018, rejected two petitions filed by human rights groups and fully adopted the Israeli military’s position, giving a green light to its continued use of snipers and live fire against Palestinian protesters in the Gaza Strip.
Israel declares Hebrew as he only official language of Israel .
The Gaza border protests, also known as the Great March of Return were a series of demonstrations held each Friday in the Gaza Strip near the Gaza-Israel border from 30 March 2018 until 27 December 2019. Largely unarmed and non violent none the less 223 Palestinians were killed by Israeli forces
May 14 Under Trump the US embassy moved to Jerusalem 2 days later Guatemala moved its embassy to Israel back to Jerusalem. Then Paraguay did citing the US move.
2019 March, the United States, under Trump which previously considered the Golan Heights to be occupied, became the first country to recognize Israeli sovereignty over the territory it has held since 1967.
As at July 31 of the 193 member states of the United Nations, 138 (71.5%) have recognised the State of Palestine .
A major outbreak of violence in the ongoing Israeli–Palestinian conflict commenced on 10 May 2021, and continued until a ceasefire came into effect on 21 May. Beginning with protest over Palestinian evictions it escalated by both sides, here
2020 Abraham Accords, series of agreements to normalize relations between Israel and several Arab states.
Nov Likud party with Benjamin Netanyahu's leader makes up the most far right wing coalition government in Israel ever seen. .In one of the many agreements signed before the government took office, Netanyahu promised the Religious Zionism party, one of his main coalition partners, to annex the occupied West Bank.
July , The Israeli Knesset parliament on Monday passed a law stripping the Supreme Court of its power to block government decisions, the first part of a planned judicial overhaul. This is intended to stop court holding the government to account - this is in effect democracy reduction..
Sept, Zionist Papa New Guinea becomes 5th country to open embassy in Jerusalem
Oct 7 Al-Qassam and Palestinians break out of Gaza strip and capture 200 + Israelis and foreigners as hostages to bargain for more release of hostages held by Israeli (Palestinians without cause and trial in Israeli prisons). about 1000 Israelis are killed half of which are military and many of the remaining civilians the IDF killed many.
Netanyahu says "Israel is at war" in a speech. I do not think this is an actual declaration as its an implication in a long speech that only mentions Palestine. And foretells the genocide to come. He also by saying they were not at war before means admits they are occupying Palestine territory and Palestine is resisting . here
2 days later Netanyahu rejects hostage exchange. Why ? As it turns out he wanted to bomb and kill civilians instead i.e practise terrorism and Hannibal directive. here , here
Oct 10 Israel launches Operation Swords of Iron beginning with bombardment of Gaza.
In the West Bank, Israeli forces in 2023 killed 492 Palestinians, including 120 children.
A place where no Al-Qassam does not operate nor Hamas govern , but apartheid is imposed and where land is lost year to illegal settlements. here about 220 of those since 7 Oct.
Oct 13 A leaked document produced by Israel's intelligence ministry has recommended the ethnic cleansing of Gaza with the enclave's 2.3 million Palestinian population expelled to Egypt's Sinai peninsula, here , here .
Israel shuts of water , power and food the Gaza to collectively punish Gaza . This a war crime.
Nov Deaths and terrorism rise in the west bank perpetrated by the unlawful Israel settlers against Palestinians . About to be fueled by Israeli government if allowed here here
2024 Jan, Forty-two survivors of the Nova music festival massacre filed a lawsuit against the Israel Defense Forces, Shin Bet security service and Israel Police on Monday, arguing that "were it not for the failures and negligence of the defendants, jointly and severally". here
South Africa files a case against Israel and its war crimes of genocide in International Court of Justice , here. here . here . Now supported by Jordan and many others..
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