Todays rant - Backwards and toxic USA


Why do i call USA backwards, toxic and stupid  in politics?

USA is one of the most destructive , fascist right wing countries in the West, the biggest terrorist organisation in the world. Thats the government supported by their voters .

 USA Americans have a extremely narcissistic narrow world view and are know for their ignorance on georgraphy and world affairs . And this gives a poor outlook on politics..

As someone who dislikes ad hominem attacks on people i should explain why i call usa and usa americans backwards and toxic and stupid as i often do in comments in Quora and youtube ,  2 places this shows up alot. . Im referring to those commentators and right wing podcasters and politicians in politics in general . Im aware not all the USA american as with all ethnicities theres no homogeneity .

In Politics

USA have in the past had lower turnouts down in the 50% range but have recently risen again to 62% . NZ voter turnout has also risen for the last 2 elections sine i started this blog. Dan head of project 2025 says "Trump was chosen by 63 million americans" in 2016 . Out of 330 million thats 19% of population chose Trump. Thats hardly democracy. Thats not a critique of Trump but of failing neo-liberalism in the worst run Western country.

Pew research turnout in usa

How does voter turnout compare

USA has lower  voter turnouts than the better western countries . (Scandanavian, Germany, NZ)

First of all its true and I often explain why theyre wrong or I wait for a response and then i will explain. I have limited time and cant respond to every ignorant and stupid comment . Im talking the ones you know are biased from brainwashing that someone hasnt given any intellectual thought too .

You know - USAs a republic not a democracy

                    Communism killed 100 million people

                    So and sos a communist or a socialist 

So i want to explain why this is particularly an American problem that now affects us . USA has got very devisive and the rightwing started the culture wars because they lack policy but also feel their "american" values whatever they are , are under attack. Their rhetoric is coming into NZ right wing conversations 

In hate: Hanging Jucinda adern

In their right wing derogatory words : Wokism , Leftists

In their lack of intelligent converstaion: Labours communist, Jucindas a comunist, Jucindas a fascist

And NZs biggest conservative party NZ First and its ad hominem attacks and stupid usa talk in accusations against Green party

Why is usa backwards and toxic

Its history

The concept of American exceptionalism has significantly shaped the United States' identity and policies, but it has also contributed to social and political issues that make the country less democratic and more divisive compared to other Western nations. Rooted in the belief that the U.S. is uniquely superior due to its founding principles of liberty, democracy, and individual rights, this ideology often fosters an inflated sense of moral and political superiority. Proponents argue that America's exceptional founding on republican ideals sets it apart from nations with monarchies or feudal histories. However, this idealized narrative ignores the contradictions in America's history, such as slavery, systemic racism, and inequality39.One major consequence of American exceptionalism is its resistance to adopting policies that are common in other Western democracies, such as universal healthcare and robust social safety nets. The belief in individualism over collective welfare has led to a fragmented healthcare system that leaves millions uninsured or underinsured, contributing to worse health outcomes compared to countries like Canada or Germany9. Similarly, the prioritization of free-market principles over social equity has exacerbated income inequality, making upward mobility more difficult for large segments of the population.In education, American exceptionalism often manifests in a reluctance to critically examine the nation's history. For instance, efforts to teach about systemic racism or the darker aspects of U.S. history are frequently met with backlash from those who see such discussions as unpatriotic. This resistance limits students' understanding of historical and contemporary inequalities, perpetuating ignorance and division. Moreover, exceptionalism fuels a sense of moral justification for divisive foreign and domestic policies, often alienating allies abroad while fostering polarization at home37.

The ideology of Manifest Destiny, which emerged in the 19th century, was rooted in the belief that Americans were divinely ordained to expand across the North American continent. While this idea justified territorial expansion and economic growth, it also entrenched patterns of inequality, exploitation, and violence that continue to affect American society today. Manifest Destiny was used to rationalize wars against Mexico, the displacement of Native Americans through policies like the Indian Removal Act, and the annexation of vast territories7.This expansionist mindset reinforced a sense of cultural superiority that marginalized indigenous peoples and other non-European groups. Native Americans were forcibly removed from their lands, subjected to violence, and placed on reservations where poverty and lack of access to resources persist today. The legacy of Manifest Destiny also contributed to racial hierarchies by promoting Anglo-Saxon Protestant dominance as central to American identity. This exclusionary vision created divisions along racial and cultural lines that remain deeply ingrained in U.S. society.Socially, Manifest Destiny's emphasis on expansion over equity fostered a culture that prioritized economic growth at any cost. This has contributed to environmental degradation and a lack of investment in public goods like education and healthcare. The focus on territorial conquest also diverted attention from building inclusive democratic institutions, leaving systemic inequalities unaddressed. Compared to Western nations that emphasize social cohesion and equity, these historical patterns have made the U.S. more divided and less progressive79.

The legacy of slavery, systemic racism, and white supremacist groups like the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) has left deep scars on American society, making it more socially regressive and less equitable than many Western democracies. Slavery's abolition after the Civil War did not end racial oppression; instead, it evolved into new forms such as sharecropping, Jim Crow laws, voter suppression, and mass incarceration26. These systems perpetuated economic disparities between Black Americans and white Americans while denying African Americans full participation in democracy.The rise of hate groups like the KKK further entrenched racial divisions through campaigns of terror aimed at suppressing Black political power and maintaining white supremacy. The KKK's violence—including lynchings, arson attacks on Black communities, and intimidation—was not limited to the South but spread across the country during periods like Reconstruction and the Civil Rights Movement410. These acts undermined democratic principles by disenfranchising millions of African Americans through fear and violence.Racism's impact extends beyond overt acts of terror; systemic inequalities persist in education, housing, employment opportunities, and healthcare access. For example:

  • Schools in predominantly Black neighborhoods often receive less funding than those in white areas due to property tax-based funding models.
  • African Americans face higher rates of poverty and unemployment compared to their white counterparts.
  • Health disparities are stark; Black Americans experience higher rates of chronic diseases due to systemic barriers to quality healthcare68.

Compared to Western nations like Canada or Scandinavian countries that actively address racial inequalities through social policies and reparative measures, America's failure to confront its racist past has made it more divisive and less socially progressive.


The pioneering spirit that shaped America's formation and expansion was characterized by:
  1. Innovation and Risk-Taking: Early settlers and later pioneers embraced new challenges, developing novel solutions to survive and thrive in unfamiliar environments.
  2. Self-Reliance: The harsh conditions of the frontier fostered a strong sense of individual responsibility and resourcefulness.
  3. Expansionist Mindset: The belief in America's destiny to span the continent drove westward expansion and technological progress.
  4. Entrepreneurship: The frontier provided opportunities for individuals to build new lives and businesses, encouraging a spirit of enterprise.
  5. Adaptability: Pioneers had to quickly adapt to new environments and challenges, fostering a culture of flexibility and resilience.
This pioneering spirit continues to influence American culture today, manifesting in areas like technological innovation and entrepreneurship. However, it has also contributed to a cultural emphasis on individualism that can sometimes conflict with collective well-being, as seen in debates over gun control and public safety.

The Politics

No left wing

USA is more politically right wing than than rest of the West . This means it resists good public schooling and healthcare unlike the rest of the west

USA in its arrogance likes to be different , using different words and drive in the opposite of the road to its mother country Britain. Which has a practical reason according to why we drive on the right

The same applies to politics. They misuse the word liberal , libertarian and conservative . And, this occurred for several reasons in history

It did not have real feudalism being so far from Britain , it went straight to capitalism in north and slavery in south

They never had a social democracy party . These are parties formed from workers unions and socialists and were very progressive . The parties like Germanys SPD (one of the 1st) and UK and NZ Labour parties got elected into government ie into power . The gave up on socialism after WWI . But they still had more progressive policies they passed that made society better and more left than usa . But usa never had any political parties coming from the genuine left. It had a socialist party but only got 6% of the vote  and it had no power in a meaningful way one reason is it wasnt supported by unions.

NZ labour still has a attachment to and gets funding from the unions. 

Why Socialism Failed in the United States

Why Socialism Failed in the USA

USA only had and has 2 right wing parties 

With out a left wing  USA ended up with 2 right wing parties .This is reflected in the colours of the political parties . The color red, symbolising blood of workers , is typically associated with socialism and labor movements in Europe and other western countries , carries no similar connotation in the U.S. Instead, both dominant political parties in the U.S. — the Democrats and Republicans — are rooted in capitalist, center-to-right ideologies, and neither has a clear foundation based on workers’ movements. In essence, the U.S. has two right-wing parties that differ on specific social issues but largely support free-market capitalism, leaving little room for a genuinely socialist or worker-based left-wing party. Their colors were only settled in a TV debate in 2000 and the are back the front to the ret of the west blue being democats slightly left of the republicans who are red.. here

The democrat party was the party of slavery while the republican party under Lincoln freed the slaves (thou he said he wouldnt if he could help it) . 100 years later it was democrats who passed the civil rights act (specifically for black people rights) and later Republicans under Nixon began racist campaigning in his "southern strategy" to get elected and began the drug war , completely switching roles 

How the republicans went from Lincoln to Trump

How The United States Ended Up With Two Right-Wing Parties

Anti socialism/anti communism

Anti communist culture led from the whitehouse. The country stinks of it , its brain washing and  culture taught from a young age. The first red scare was after WWI when Eugene Debs Socialist Party was running . The 2nd red scare was after WWII when USA began the cold war , led by senator McCarthy called McCarthyism . Ironically more teachers have been cancelled by right wing currently in culture wars and in wake of pro Palestine support than this era, 

USA had a large fascist movement - Americas right wing radicals

This has caused a powerful ruling class capitalist which in turns influences the government made worse by the Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, 558 U.S. 310 (2010) court case which  held that the freedom of speech clause of the First Amendment prohibits the government from restricting independent expenditures for political campaigns by corporations, nonprofit organizations, labor unions, and other associations. This lead to massive lobbying by profit corporations. The number of lobbyists in Washington is estimated to be over 12,000, but most lobbying (in terms of expenditures), is handled by fewer than 300 firms. theres only 100 senators and max of 435 congressmen (representatives)  in USA Whitehouse.

Heres right wing liberal conservative Major Taylor Green campaigning on anti socialist meaning anti democrat party . Shes either a moron or lying to you malevolently as the democrats are a right wing party let alone socialist . I realise Bernie Sanders claims hes a socialist but that doesnt change her brainwashed stupidity.

Right wing media

You constantly hear the argument  from the right the medias all left , they dont mean left, they mean democrat supporting . The democrats arent a left wing party when placed on the normal western political spectrum. But from a left wing point of view all mainstream media is capitalist , its right wing and supports both corporate interests and government that aligns with them , no matter which political party is in power. 

USA has a very warped view of the political spectrum having no socialist party it has no idea what left is so misnames all its parties and peoples when referring to either the political ideology or political parties . See here Is the political spectrum still useful  

Trust in government

Americans leadership problem 

Trust in government (14 yrs ago-2010)

TYT - Americans no longer trust  govt

Former CIA Agent John Stockwell Talks about How the CIA Worked

Groups want to reverse some of the progress USA has made, either political or ruling class capitalists

American Anti-Intellectualism

How America got so stupid


Christian Nationalists 

Who are largely conservative and evangelical based thou not totally, and want to reverse the separation of church and state

The growing threat of christian nationalism

The REAL Problem with Christian Nationalism

This of course means a society/culture thats regressing back to some outdated christian values.

And mixed up with whiteness and far right and guns here and the threat of christian nationalism 52min

Religious conservatives defends republican governor mandating by legislation  10 commandments in schools in Louisiana here Louisiana is in the south eastern bible belt. 

While Trump stokes the alt right,  and is considered a neo-fascist , Trump shouldnt be seen as the cause as hes a symptom of a bigger problem , like fascism he is the product of a certain culture and failure of liberal economics.

Americas not a democracy

While Trump lied about losing the election in 2020 and much other rightwing bs,  Harris explains how republicans are actually going to erode democracy and win the next election (2024).

Just before the election in 2024 Trumps devious plan to win election  7min

Which they did and Trump won - explained here by David Pakman

Trump has dropped USA rating  USA is no longer a full democracy

Lets be honest USA doesnt function like one even thou people get to vote  -USA voters get about 2% of the policys they want passed by congress. 

Noam Chompsky said it best "There is one party in the US, it is the Business Party, and it has two factions--the Republicans and the Democrats."

The decline in leadership
While this is happening worldwide its particularly a USA problem

American TV culture, particularly reality television, has played a significant role in shaping societal values by glorifying wealth, competition, and individualism. Shows like The ApprenticeKeeping Up with the Kardashians, and Selling Sunset have popularized the notion that success is synonymous with material wealth and personal branding246. This emphasis on consumerism and celebrity culture has contributed to a societal fixation on superficial markers of success while sidelining issues like education equity or healthcare access.Reality TV often reflects and amplifies America's competitive ethos. Programs like Survivor or The Bachelor celebrate cutthroat competition as a pathway to success, reinforcing the idea that ambition and self-promotion are paramount26. While this mirrors broader cultural values tied to the "American Dream," it also fosters divisiveness by prioritizing individual achievement over community welfare. Unlike many European nations that emphasize social cohesion through public services and egalitarian policies, American TV culture often glorifies hyper-individualism.The influence of reality TV extends beyond entertainment into politics and social behavior. For example, Donald Trump's rise from reality TV star on The Apprentice to U.S. President exemplifies how such programming can blur the lines between celebrity and political legitimacy6. This phenomenon has contributed to a more polarized political landscape by prioritizing spectacle over substance. Additionally, reality TV's focus on wealth and luxury lifestyles normalizes economic inequality while marginalizing discussions about systemic challenges like affordable housing or healthcare.

2nd amendment - Right to bear arms

Guns cant be left out of toxic USA american culture . The gun problem isnt really part of the political problem, its part of a wider historical and cultural problem that gives rise to the political problems. Notwithstanding theres for and against tighter gun control in whitehouse to stop gun violence. But gun violence and gun culture is a result of aforementioned factors, history of manifest destiny , pioneering spirit and individualism , tv culture etc. 

The United States, a nation forged on ideals of freedom and individual liberty, grapples with a gun violence epidemic that stands in stark contrast to other developed nations. While countries like Switzerland and Canada boast significant rates of gun ownership, their levels of gun-related homicides and mass shootings are drastically lower. This disparity isn't simply about the presence of firearms; it’s about the complex interplay of cultural, historical, and legal factors that have shaped the unique role guns play in American society.

New Zealand was founded on a pioneering spirit, but it colonized a smaller area , different people in a much shorter time compared to the United States. Today, in New Zealand, gun ownership is largely associated with hunting and pest control. Firearms are considered tools rather than symbols of personal freedom or self-defense. This practical approach is reflected in the country’s gun legislation, which treat gun ownership as a privilege rather than a right. All firearm owners must obtain a fire arms license, pass background checks, and demonstrate safe handling and storage practices. Semi-automatic weapons have been heavily restricted since the 2019 Christchurch mosque shootings, with a national buyback program significantly reducing the number of such firearms in circulation.New Zealand's cultural framing of firearms as utilitarian tools minimizes their role in interpersonal violence. New Zealanders rarely view firearms as necessary for personal protection. Additionally, New Zealand’s swift legislative response to mass shootings demonstrates a collective prioritization of public safety over individual gun rights.

Switzerland’s high rate of gun ownership stems from its unique militia system and a lack of a standing army, where able-bodied men are required to undergo military training and serve in reserve forces. Many Swiss citizens retain their service rifles after completing their military obligations but must follow strict regulations, including secure storage requirements and regular shooting practice to maintain proficiency. Beyond militia service, hunting is also culturally significant in Switzerland, contributing to private firearm ownership.Despite its high gun ownership rate, Switzerland experiences very low rates of gun violence. This is largely because guns are framed as instruments of civic responsibility rather than personal empowerment or self-defense. The Swiss government enforces rigorous background checks for firearm purchases and limits access to ammunition outside controlled environments like shooting ranges. Moreover, Swiss culture emphasizes collective responsibility and trust in institutions, which reduces the likelihood of firearms being used for criminal purposes or impulsive acts of violence.

In contrast to New Zealand and Switzerland, gun ownership in the United States is deeply tied to the idea of self-defense. The Second Amendment guarantees an individual’s right to bear arms, which has been interpreted as a safeguard against both personal threats and potential government tyranny. This framing positions firearms as essential tools for individual empowerment and protection. As a result, guns are widely marketed for home defense and concealed carry rather than just hunting or sport shooting.
This cultural emphasis on self-defense has contributed to a normalization of guns in everyday life and an increased likelihood of their use in violent situations. This stems from the frontier mentality where firearms were essential tools for survival and protection. Over time, this practical necessity evolved into a cultural symbol of individual empowerment and resistance to authority. Today, firearms are often marketed as tools for self-defense rather than recreation or hunting, reinforcing the idea that personal safety is an individual responsibility rather than a collective societal goal.
This is died up with huge distrust of government.
American gun culture is also closely tied to traditional notions of masculinity. Firearms are often portrayed as symbols of strength and dominance, which can exacerbate aggressive behaviors among individuals who feel their masculinity is threatened. Studies have shown that this cultural association contributes to higher rates of gun violence in the U.S., particularly among men.Economic deprivation and social inequality also play significant roles in America’s gun violence problem. Poverty-stricken communities often face higher rates of gun violence due to a combination of stressors such as unemployment, lack of access to mental health services, and systemic marginalization. These conditions create environments where conflicts are more likely to escalate into violence. Canada and Switzerland and NZ have more robust social safety nets that mitigate economic stressors and reduce the likelihood of violence stemming from desperation or social instability. For instance, universal healthcare and stronger welfare systems provide support that alleviates some of the pressures contributing to violent behavior.

It amounts to a terrible culture where stupid idiots like Kyle Rittenhouse take a gun to a protest and kill people.
