Todays rant- What is male and female

When we discuss male v female we are usually talking human in a political sense and while its good to have some facts on the discussion its good to keep the discussion in perspective . We should bear in mind that while humans make nearly half of the mammal biomass, mammals make up a small portion of invertebrates, which in turn make up a tiny fraction of all the animal kingdom.

Here’s a breakdown of the proportions:

Invertebrates dominate in both species diversity and total biomass due to their vast numbers and diversity.

  1. Biomass Proportions:

    • Vertebrates: Approximately 5-10% of the total animal biomass.
    • Invertebrates: Approximately 90-95% of the total animal biomass.
  2. Species Numbers:

    • Invertebrates: Approximately 95-99% of all animal species. This includes major groups like arthropods (insects, spiders, crustaceans), mollusks (snails, clams), annelids (earthworms), and many others.
    • Vertebrates: Less than 1% of all animal species.

Just with vertabrates
* Fish - have the highest biomass and highest specie numbers at 34,000
* Mammals  - have the next highest biomass with 6,500 species numbers

* Birds - have less biomass with 10,000 specie numbers

* Reptiles -  have a considerable biomass, but less than fish and mammals. with 11,000 species

Amphibians have the lowest biomass among vertebrates. with about 8,000 specie

While humans are only 1 of the 6,500 species of mammals they make up roughly 46% of the total biomass of all mammals.

Before we start people , confuse gender with sex . They are not the same . Gender is:

A socially constructed concept that encompasses the attitudes, behaviors, norms, and roles associated with being masculine or feminine in a given society12. Unlike biological sex, gender is not innate but rather learned and reinforced through social interactions, cultural expectations, and institutional practices68. This social construct shapes how individuals are expected to act, dress, and behave based on their perceived gender identity. The concept of gender as a social construct emphasizes that these expectations and roles are not fixed or universal, but vary across cultures and can change over time7. Gender norms are typically instilled from birth through socialization processes involving family, education, media, and other social institutions8. Importantly, the social construction of gender often intersects with power structures and can lead to inequalities between different gender identities1.

Now to the question of sex

While hormones, gametes, and chromosomes all play roles in defining sex, it's important to note that having a uterus and internal gestation is not the sole marker of being female. While this may hold true for humans—specifically women—and most mammals, it doesn't apply to the rest of the vertebrate (with backbone) species in the animal kingdom, such as birds, reptiles, and fish, that do not rely on a internal gestation as a defining female trait.

Carrying offspring is not a universal characteristic tied strictly to sex. Many species exhibit diverse reproductive strategies that break from the human-centric view of internal fertilisation and gestation.

Seahorse reproductive process is a good example and does not invalidate the definitions of male and female. 

Once the seahorse pair is ready to mate, the female produces eggs in her ovaries, which she holds in a specialized structure called the ovipositor (an egg-laying organ). At the height of the mating ritual, the female transfers her unfertilized eggs into a specialized brood pouch located on the male's abdomen. After the female transfers the eggs into the male’s brood pouch, fertilization occurs inside the male's pouch. The male releases sperm into the pouch, where it fertilizes the eggs. This pouch not only serves as a site for fertilization but also provides a controlled environment for the developing embryos. 

The eggs develop within the male’s pouch for several weeks, depending on species and environmental conditions. During this time, the male seahorse undergoes significant physiological changes to support the growing embryos. 

Once the eggs have fully developed into baby seahorses, the male goes through labor-like contractions to expel the fully formed young from his pouch into the water.

This role reversal in terms of who carries the offspring post-fertilization is unique, but it doesn’t alter the core biological definitions based on gamete production. Instead, it shows that there can be a wide diversity of reproductive strategies in nature.

 Here's a broader look at reproductive modes across various groups:

1. Internal Gestation (Mammals)

  • Mammals are the best-known group known as placental mammals. Where female mammals carry fertilized eggs (which become embryos) and gestate offspring internally. The embryos develop in the uterus, nourished by a placenta, until they are born as live young.
  • Marsupials (like Kangaroos, koalas, and opossums) Marsupial females carry and gestate embryos internally for a very short time. Once born, the underdeveloped offspring are transferred to an external pouch, where they continue to develop while nursing from the mother’s milk.
  • Monotremes (e.g., platypuses, echidnas) are exceptions; The female lays the eggs, and they incubate outside her body. Once the eggs hatch, the mother nourishes the young with she still have mammary glands for nourishing young.

2. Oviparous Species (Egg-laying)

  • Birds, Reptiles, Amphibians, and Fish are largely oviparous, meaning they lay eggs that develop outside the body.
    • Birds and most reptiles: The cloaca of the female receives sperms from the cloaca of the maleFemales lay fertilized eggs, and these develop outside the body.
    • Amphibians: Many amphibians (e.g., frogs) lay eggs in water that develop into larvae. In many amphibian species, such as frogs and toads, fertilization is external, the male climbs onto her back and releases sperm over the eggs. Some amphibians, like certain salamanders, use internal fertilization. Males transfer sperm to females using specialized structures
    • Fish: Many species are oviparous, releasing eggs and sperm into water where fertilization occurs externally.

3. Ovoviviparity (Eggs Hatch Inside the Body)

  • Some species use ovoviviparity, where eggs develop inside the parent but hatch internally or immediately after birth.
    • Some reptiles, sharks, and certain fish (like guppies) use this method. In these species, the offspring hatch from eggs while still inside the female, or in some cases, inside the male (as with seahorses).

4. Viviparity (Live Birth)

  • Viviparous species give birth to live young after internal development, but this is not limited to mammals.
    • Reptiles: Some reptiles, like certain species of snakes and lizards, give birth to live young after internal development.
    • Fish: Some fish, such as certain sharks and rays, also give birth to live young.

5. Seahorses and Pipefish (Male Pregnancy)

  • Male seahorses, pipefish, and seadragons are the most notable for carrying developing embryos. Females transfer their eggs to the male, who incubates them until they are ready to hatch.
    • In these species, the males take on the gestational role, but the traditional roles of egg production (female) and sperm production (male) are maintained.

6. Invertebrates (Diverse Strategies)

  • Insects and arthropods: Many lay eggs externally, but some species, like certain scorpions, are viviparous, giving live birth.
  • Arachnids: Some spiders carry egg sacs externally, and others keep their young on their body for protection after hatching.

How do chromosomes fit into the picture of male female classification

  • Mammals generally have XX (female) and XY (male) chromosomes.
  • Birds and reptiles often have ZW (female) and ZZ (male) chromosomes.
  • Some fish use a variety of chromosomal systems, such as XX/XY or ZZ/ZW.
  • Regarding humans the relationship between biological sex, the production of gametes (sperm or eggs), and the presence of specific sex chromosomes (such as XX or XY) is complex and not entirely absolute. 

    The presence of X and Y chromosomes typically corresponds with sex determination in humans, but there are exceptions and variations that can result in different chromosomal patterns beyond the standard XX (female) and XY (male). Here’s a more detailed breakdown of how chromosomes, gamete production, and sex determination work, including what happens with atypical karyotypes:

    1. Traditional Chromosomal Definitions

    • XX Chromosomes (Female): In typical cases, individuals with two X chromosomes develop as female. These individuals usually develop ovaries, which produce eggs.
    • XY Chromosomes (Male): In typical cases, individuals with one X and one Y chromosome develop as male. The Y chromosome carries the SRY gene, which triggers the development of testes, which produce sperm.

    2. Role of X & Y Chromosomes

    • The Y chromosome contains the SRY (Sex-determining Region Y) gene, which plays a critical role in initiating male development. This gene triggers the formation of testes, which then produce sperm and male sex hormones (androgens).
    • The absence of the Y chromosome and the SRY gene typically leads to female development (XX), where ovaries produce eggs.

    However, there are variations in chromosomal patterns, and these can lead to different outcomes in terms of sexual development and reproductive capabilities.

    3. Atypical Karyotypes and Their Implications

    There are several conditions in which individuals have atypical sex chromosome patterns. Here are the most common ones:

    • Turner Syndrome (X or XO): Individuals have only one X chromosome and no second sex chromosome. These individuals typically have female characteristics but may experience underdeveloped ovaries, leading to infertility. They do not produce eggs, but they are often considered female based on their typical sexual development (female external genitalia).

    • Klinefelter Syndrome (XXY): These individuals have an extra X chromosome. They are typically male, as they have a Y chromosome and develop male genitalia. However, they often have reduced testosterone levels and may not produce viable sperm, leading to infertility. Despite having an extra X chromosome, they are generally considered male because of the presence of the Y chromosome.

    • XYY Syndrome: Individuals have an extra Y chromosome. They usually develop as males because the Y chromosome is present and includes the SRY gene. They generally produce sperm and are considered male, though they may have varying fertility levels.

    • XX Male Syndrome (De La Chapelle Syndrome): These individuals have two X chromosomes but develop as males due to the translocation of the SRY gene onto one of the X chromosomes. They may develop male characteristics and genitalia, but often have infertility due to issues with sperm production. Despite having an XX chromosomal pattern, these individuals are typically classified as male.

    • Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS): Individuals with AIS are genetically male (XY) but have a partial or complete inability to respond to androgens (male hormones). This can lead to individuals developing female characteristics despite having an XY karyotype. Depending on the severity, they may be raised as females and often cannot produce sperm.

    4. Are Humans only Male if XY and Female if XX?

    • Gamete Production (sperm or eggs) is traditionally linked to male or female classification, but chromosomal sex (XX or XY) is not always aligned perfectly with reproductive capabilities. Individuals with atypical karyotypes may exhibit characteristics of both sexes or may be infertile, yet they are often still classified based on their dominant sex characteristics or the presence of the SRY gene.

    • XX individuals: Typically produce eggs and are classified as female. However, in cases like XX male syndrome, an individual can be chromosomally XX but present as male.

    • XY individuals: Typically produce sperm and are classified as male. However, in conditions like AIS, an XY individual can develop female characteristics.

    5. What About Other Karyotypes (e.g., X, XXY, XYY, XXXY)?

    Individuals with atypical karyotypes can have a mix of male and female characteristics, but they are usually classified as male or female based on a combination of their chromosomal makeup, the presence or absence of the SRY gene, their external genitalia, and their secondary sexual characteristics.

    • X (Turner syndrome): Often classified as female despite having only one X chromosome and no Y chromosome.
    • XXY (Klinefelter syndrome): Classified as male because of the presence of the Y chromosome, though they may have reduced fertility and other traits typically associated with males.
    • XYY: Typically classified as male due to the presence of the Y chromosome.
    • XXXY or other rare karyotypes: These individuals may exhibit a range of characteristics and are often classified based on their dominant sexual traits or hormone levels.

    Are gametes and chromosomes the only test of male v female in human sex  ?

    Gametes (sperm or eggs) and chromosomes are often considered the most fundamental and immutable biological markers of sex in humans because they are the only two aspects that cannot be altered or mixed after birth. Here’s why:

    1. Gametes:

    • Gamete production is the defining characteristic of biological sex. Males produce sperm, and females produce eggs. No medical or hormonal intervention can change a person's capacity to produce a different type of gamete. For example:
      • A person born with testes will produce sperm (if fertile).
      • A person born with ovaries will produce eggs (if fertile).
    • Even with hormone therapy or surgery, an individual cannot be made to produce the opposite type of gamete, meaning that gametes remain a stable indicator of sex.

    2. Chromosomes:

    • Sex chromosomes (XX for females and XY for males) are present in every cell of the body and remain unchanged throughout life. Chromosomes are established at conception and cannot be altered by surgery, hormone treatments, or any other interventions.
    • While sex can be reassigned socially or surgically, chromosomal patterns (XX, XY, or variations like XXY, XO, etc.) stay fixed and are immutable from birth to death.

    Other Characteristics That Can Be Altered or Changed:

    Many other sex-related traits can be modified or influenced after birth, either naturally or through medical intervention:

    • Hormones: Hormone levels (testosterone, estrogen) can be altered through hormone replacement therapy (HRT). For example, a person assigned male at birth can take estrogen and develop secondary female characteristics, like breast development.
    • Secondary Sexual Characteristics: Physical features like body hair, breast tissue, muscle mass, and voice pitch can all be modified through hormones, surgery, or medical treatment.
    • Reproductive Anatomy: Gender-affirming surgeries can alter external genitalia to appear as either male or female, but these changes do not affect the internal reproductive organs or the capacity to produce sperm or eggs.
    • Brain and Behavior: Social, cultural, and psychological aspects of gender identity and expression can vary and are influenced by a combination of biology and environment. However, these are not typically used to strictly define sex.

    Why Gametes and Chromosomes Are Central:

    • Immutable: Gametes and chromosomes remain consistent and are not subject to change through medical intervention.
    • Functional Reproduction: The role in reproduction (producing eggs or sperm) is tied to biological sex in a way that is fundamental and not alterable.
    • Developmental Pathway: Chromosomes (specifically the presence or absence of a Y chromosome and the SRY gene) determine the development of the gonads (testes or ovaries) early in fetal life, which, in turn, influences the ability to produce gametes.


    Biological sex is determined by a complex interplay of factors, with gametes and chromosomes serving as the most definitive markers. The production of gametes (sperm or eggs) and the presence of sex chromosomes (XX or XY) are central to defining biological sex, as these factors cannot be altered once an individual is born. While hormonal levels, physical traits, and reproductive anatomy can be modified through medical interventions, the capacity to produce a specific type of gamete and one's chromosomal makeup remain constant throughout life.

    However, sex determination is not entirely straightforward. In humans, atypical chromosomal patterns (such as X, XXY, or XYY) and variations in sex characteristics can challenge traditional male/female classifications. Additionally, the diversity of reproductive strategies in the animal kingdom—ranging from internal gestation in many mammals to external egg-laying in most reptiles, birds, and fish—highlights that internal gestation is just one of many reproductive methods. This vast range of reproductive strategies, including cases like male seahorses carrying and incubating young, underscores that biological sex and reproductive roles can be complex and varied across different species.

    NOW HAVING SAID THAT if  you want to learn more about the biology of sex which is more complicated than described above, including humans this biologist goes deeper. First he explains that the sex is determine by the size of gamete  but then goes on to explain @ 7m50s the complex chemical  process that produces hormones and gametes and why there is humans that dont fall into male or female despite having the right gametes not just because off the non binary chromosomes .

    Sex and sensibility
