Israels lies 7 oct

As more facts come to light its important to note that lies Israel told and other zionists especially western governments and media continue to tell.

First lets establish that Hamas is the government of Gaza strip , that means it runs he hospitals and schools and other public utilities as any normal western government does in a liberal democracy. The military wing that did the 7 Oct kidnapping operation was Al-Qassam. Fatah who are remnants from the PLO is the government of West Bank.


1) The atrocities committed by Hamas 7 Oct

2) The deaths attributed to Hamas 7 Oct.

3) Lies since 7th Oct

4) Palestine/Hamas doesnt want a 2 state solution and has rejected it.

5) The one sided view that israel is entitled to defend itself and Hamas is a terrorist (organisation) this means the conflict started on 7 oct which is the biggest lie of all.

6) As it tells all these lies Israel is complicit in the 7 Oct events in some way whether as false flag or incompetence or a little of both but its certainly capitalising on it to turn a 2 state solution into a 1 state solution where all Palestine is now Israel. 

The counter arguments disproving these lies


Baby beheadings and burnings were lies manufactured by Zaka and used by Israel and other western governments including by Joe Biden.

Oct 2023 The Media's Israel Palestine Misinformation War

Nov 2023   Did Hamas behead babies? I Fact Check

Jan 2024 The New York Times "weaponized" Hamas rape story is a fraud. Ali Abunimah debunks it.

Mar 2024 Meet Israel's ZAKA, the group that fabricated the 'beheaded babies' story

It should be noted Palestinian civilians were also involved so not all actions were Al-Qassam.


Hamas didnt kill 1400 - Israeli also killed  it own civilian citizens - first Israel quoted 1400 deaths of Israelis then reduced to 1200 and has reduced further but now it turns out Israel killed many of its own citizens in the vehicle convoy back to Gaza and in the Kibbutz . Also many dead israelis were not "innocent" civilians but armed military trained civilians.

Nov 2023 Why is Israel trying to HIDE this hostage interview?

Nov 2023 IDF kills its own 

Nov 2023 What really happened in Israel on Oct. 7?

Nov 2023 IDF Shot At Israelis At Nova Music Fest? Shocking Report Blows Lid Off Israel's Claims

Dec 2023 Debunking Israel’s “mass rape” propaganda

Dec 2023 Prof Mearsheimer: IDF killed a ‘good number of Israelis’ on October 7

Feb 2024 How Israeli army ordered troops to fire on Israelis on 7 October

Mar 2024 New revelations on Israel’s killing of its own citizens on 7 October

Mar 2024 Israel Killed Hostages on October 7th, Al Jazeera Doc Shows


Israel lies since 7 Oct - Hamas operates under hospitals but we dont bomb hospitals.

                                             and we want the return of hostages.

If you exclude the murders of israeli citizens by IDF on 7 Oct theyve still killed hostages since then through bombing and shooting . IDF murdered 3 holding a white flag in a building IDF attacked. They could trade Palestinian hostages israel holds like they did before xmas but their goal is destruction or control of Gaza whichever ocomes first not hostage rescue . Ive seen an interview of released hostages that they were scared of the IDF killing them.

Dec 2023 3 Israeli hostages holding white flag when mistakenly killed by IDF, military official says

Gaza: Lies Israel fed the world since October 7

Hamas' terror attacks on Israel spark wave of fake news

Heres lies they tell about the treatment once returnedd

Israeli hostage calls out media lies


This is somewhat true in the sense that Israel being the bigger bully is always proposing a unacceptable 2 state solution to Palestine which usually turns it down due mainly to borders and israels refusal of right of return which means Palestine wouldnt be self determining/sovereign.

In the 1993 Oslo accord a peace deal was negotiated between Israel and the Palestinian Liberation Organisation . The then Israeli PM was assassinated by a far right zionist against the deal and then Israel broke the deal.

More importantly Israeli via Netanyahu and Likud party dont want a 2 state solution.  Benjamin Netanyahu the first Israeli born PM is also its longest serving , has been prime minister of Israel since 2009 except for 1.5 years in 2021 , while investigated on corruption charges,  so most of the time Hamas has been in power in Gaza.

2005 Netanyahu resigns as Foreign Minister in Protest of PM Sharon withdrawing Israeli from occupation of Gaza.

2015 CNN news report says Netanyahu: No Palestinian state if I'm re-elected

Hamas has agreed to a 2 state solution. The 2017 Hamas charter presented the Palestinian state being based on the 1967 borders. The text says "Hamas considers the establishment of a Palestinian state, sovereign and complete, on the basis of the June 4, 1967, with Jerusalem as its capital and the provision for all the refugees to return to their homeland." here

2017 oxford union debate in which Gideon Levy - Israel doesnt want 2 state .

2019 article Israel Does Not Want Peace

2021 Netanyahu is out of office for 1 half years End of the road for Netanyahu

          How Netanyahu wants violence as it plays into his hands

2023 Wikipedia list only Netanyahu as rejecting a 2 state solution citing these 2  articles here , here

This 2024 video explains Netanyahu wants Hamas to attack Israel to justify no 2 state and the genocide is about dominating Palestine.

Israels ambassador to UK says there wont be a 2 state solution and that every second house has tunnel access and this is reason enough to destroy the whole of Gaza killing thousands of innocent children

Netanyahu has a long history of blatant lies about WMDs for regime change in countries he doesnt like much like the USA. here


The lie israel has the right to defend itself and Hamas are terrorists. This is not so straight forward as its more a lie by omission.

 In November 1988, the PLO legislature,  declared the establishment of the "State of Palestine". The State of Palestine has been accepted as an observer state of the United Nations General Assembly in November 2012. As of 2 June 2023, 139 of the 193 United Nations (UN) member states have recognized the State of Palestine.

The world organisation the UN that is supposed to stop conflict but is impotent and only makes resolutions declared Palestine to have right to self determination that means it has the right to self defence in  UN resolution 38/17 and declared in UN resolution 2334 Israels settlements have no legal validity

Terorism definition is" the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims."

This means the acts by the israel occupation force in the illegally occupied west bank , the illegal curfews , enforcing aptheid , arrests , kiliing of civilians , the genocide in Gaza strip bombing hospitals, schools , churches , cemeterys,  art  etc  and killing civilians , babies doctors nurses , media  including babies to force a change of government in Gaza to eliminate Hamas is terrorism .

Anybody or organisation who says Hamas is a terrorist group but does not cite Israel as a terroist group and says israel has a right to defend itself and palestine has a right to self deterination and a state but doesnt have that right to defend its right or state is both hypocritical and biased towards supporting israel over Palestine . That unfortunately is most western Governments and media , including the New Zealand government in the land I sojourn..

Notice New Zealands differing words applied to Israel and Palestine

NZ permenant ambassodor to UN makes this statement while Labour party was caretaker government - it mentions Israels right to defend itself but must follow international law. This aspect was on the MFAT webpage but has since been removed by National partys alteration of the MFAT page

Statement delivered by Permanent Representative H.E. Ms. Carolyn Schwalger.

NZs National party current version on NZ MFAT webpage page on Gaza Israel Hamas conflict

It implys 7 Oct action was unprovoked which itself implies there was no cause of 7th Oct and there was a ceasefire both which are not true .

Lies debunked by Zaeto

This means the conflict did NOT start on 7th Oct , I contend it started at 1920 San Remo conference but you could argue before that or many dates up until Israel declared a state in 1948 then proceeded to steal the 50 % of the 1947 UN partion plan land allocated to it or 72% of the land it ended taking after fighting off Arab defenders , which caused the Nakba in 1948  (that this didnt happen is another lie of many zionists tell).

Just look at the year before 7 Oct.

Countdown to genocide

Look at International Laws violated by Israel here

Look at UN resolutions against israel none of which israel have been fulfilled as required or the  impotent UN has enforced. wiki : UN resolutions concerning israel and wiki : UN resolutions concerning Palestine (some of those are reports and some concern aid to Palestine and conditions and dont count as against Israel directly)

Israel is holding many many kidnapped Palestinians , civilians without charges , who also face rape .


Heres some of many examples of the terrorism by illegal israeli settlers in west bank the IDF protects and was apparently doing on 7 oct.

 Israeli Settlers Are Terrorizing Palestinians In Record Numbers

Israeli settler violence: Palestinians in the occupied West Bank targeted

Jewish settlers step up violent attacks on Palestinians in occupied West Bank | BBC News

Meanwhile in the West Bank, Israeli forces in 2023 killed 492 Palestinians, including 120 children. Thats a place where no Al-Qassam does not operate nor Hamas govern , but apartheid is imposed and where land is lost year to illegal settlements. here (about 220 of those killedsince 7 Oct)

Heres Hamas response - sounds alot like Israels justification of murder doesnt it?

Hamas says October 7 attack was a ‘necessary step’, admits to ‘some faults’


Was it false flag or another 9/11 where authorities knew attack was coming but let it happen because it suits their cause or just plain incompetence by Israel.

Israel intelligence is the most efficient in the world and Gaza prison one of the most heavily spied on concentration camps in the world .

Israel knew over 1 year before the attack.

The IDF took over 6 hours to show up to stop Al-Qassams attack

Oct 2023 Where the Israeli army was when Hamas attacked

Dec 2023 Israel-Hamas war: Israel knew about Oct. 7 attack for over a year, NYT reports

Dec 2023 NYT reporter says Israel knew Hamas's attack plan over a year ago

Dec 2023 BREAKING: Israel Obtained Hamas' Plan A YEAR Before Oct. 7 Attack

Dec 2023 NY Times report puts spotlight on claims Israel knew Oct. 7 attack was coming

Its so bad as in theres a problem with Israels narrative and actions on the day theres a truther movement springing up that says Israel was behind 7 Oct. I wont post here as I havent checked it.

NB; None of this is arguing Hamas and Al-Qassam are all good  and Israels all bad but simply debunking the blatant lies Israel feeds the world and the hypocrisy of zionist Israel supporters. 

Whether you believe israel has the right to 1947 UN partition plan borders or 1949 green borders post Israels first war or 1967 borders post Israels 3rd war on Palestine or  all of the mythical Israeli kingdom or all of mandated Palestine,  Zionist jews had to steal the majority of it [accept for the 6% Palestinian jews owned and immigrants had bought since 1896 until 1939] that they hold and occupy now is irrelevant to the above.
