I have taken myself off facebook multiple times recently as I began reacting to the misinformation spreading being done by both the left and the right (conspiracy theorists). We know those supporting conspiracy theories often resort to bullying and swearing in arguments ignoring facts from the other side, but it was the lefts and vaccine coercion supporters similar attitudes , shaming , bullying, sarcastic attitudes and overblown fear mongering that unsettled me done with a lack of empathy that the capitalist psychopaths and right are normally are accused of , often relying on emotional argument instead of facts as conspiracy theorists do. From the superficially benign to obnoxious.
Comparing vaccine mandates to OSH or other government legislation , calling people ignorant and selfish is bullying and shaming.
Clearly “mass formation” is taking hold on both sides . As described here
* This behaviour to raise ones dopamine level is not good truth finding or conspiracy elimination behaviour but merely divisive , not seeking cooperation .
It lacks empathy and isn’t practicing caring and compassion . Further it lacks understanding of the natural human need for conspiracys to compensate for insecurity, fear and stress by explaining it. And fails finding a better way to deal with vaccine hesitant or even conspiracy theorists and ultimately wont sort facts from fiction
To quote a few of many articles on the subject like below and here ,
“One of the main problems with conspiracy theories is that they are not confined to tinfoil-hat-wearing kooks or political extremists. In times of crisis and uncertainty, they can contaminate the worldview of otherwise reasonable people.
Conspiracy theories make reality seem less chaotic, and tap into broader, often well-grounded concerns about the world such as the concentration of financial and political power, mass surveillance, inequality or lack of political transparency.
Many people come to conspiracy theories through genuine, albeit misguided, curiosity about how to make sense of the world. They sometimes see themselves as healthy sceptics and self-taught researchers into complex issues. Avoid criticising or mocking this. Instead, present it as something that, in principle, you value and share.” [1]
A recent review of the scientific literature on conspiracy theories indicates that these ideas may appeal to people trying to make sense in a world that leaves them feeling disempowered, alienated, and confused. But research also suggests these feelings are reinforced, rather than soothed, as people immerse themselves in notions about corporate plots and government cover-ups.[2]
Recent research into the psychology of conspiracy belief has highlighted the importance of belief systems in the acceptance or rejection of conspiracy theories.
conventionalist (anti-conspiracy) arguments tended to have a more hostile tone.
These tendencies in persuasive communication can be understood as a reflection
of an underlying conspiracist worldview in which the details of individual
conspiracy theories are less important than a generalized rejection of official
Conspiracy beliefs have been shown to be positively
correlated with mistrust of other people (Goertzel, 1994) and authorities (Swami et al., 2010); feelings of
powerlessness and low self-esteem (Abalakina-Paap et al., 1999); superstition, beliefs
in the paranormal, and schizotypy (Darwin et al., 2011); a perceived lack
of control (Hamsher et al., 1968; Whitson and Galinsky, 2008); [3]
We know why the worlds in a mess and we should be explaining why its that way and not condemning those who chose not to get vaccinated regardless of reason.
* The wider left and vaccine coercion supporters need to stop using comparative examples that are wrong when supporting coercion;
* While I do agree wearing seatbelts and having speed limits is comparable to covid-19 vaccinations because it gives a false sense of safety and would encourage reckless behaviour, its not an honest comparison and detracts from driver education , building better roads or fixing the countries health system .
Primarily occupational Health & Safety (OSH) , Seat belts , driver licence or speed limits etc don’t entail an entirely new type of vaccine [ medical treatment ] stuck inside your body thats never been rolled out en mass like this before whose long term trial is not finished yet. Those comparisons and mandates do not involve having side effects causing possible injuries and death to the workers /driver/rule followers.
Making useless and un-necessary rules is to natural government to justify its existence. OSH is no exception being overly ruled and bureaucratic and not all of it is necessary.
* Vaccines mandated for travel overseas in some countries are for viruses/diseases that are more deadly having a much higher case mortality than covid-19s 2% . They are also close to elimination and only in certain geographic regions and countries and vaccine mandates make sense, unlike covid-19 which is already worldwide like the cold.
* Similarly stop saying the vaccines safe.
If youre arguing coercion is to stop transmission thats a different argument but then you don’t really have good data or argument as even the government has admitted it doesnt have any. The latest NZ Government medsafe report only rules out 51 of the 117 post vaccination deaths as likely not due to vaccination. Read here.
The best you can say is, its "insert ratio" safe eg mostly safe And as John Minto says, it confuses by making a safe v unsafe attitude by false reasoning which simply isn’t true as un-vaccinated can be sars-cov-2 free and vaccinated still carry sars-cov-2. He goes further to argue for this reason its not an effective tool.
Regardless stop saying having the vaccine makes someone else safe because thats not true. Whether they are safe depends on mostly on if they are healthy or not and can fight it . Read my critique of governments ignoring facts here. It also discounts the fact the unvaccinated might have natural immunity or not even not catch covid-19. Keeping the fit and healthy unvaccinated locked /restricted wont allow them to catch covid and receive natural herd immunity.
* Bear in mind social media like facebook and twitter isnt that good for us
We know we are the product not the customer on social media and social media gives us hits of dopamine and makes us addicted like a gambler or drug addict . Jaron Lanier has written 10 reasons why you should delete your facebook account arguing it changes our behaviour and makes us susceptible to manipulation.
Watch an his short 10 min interview here
Read his book here. Click on the format you want to read it in to download it.
Read USA National Institute of Health [govt] article here
Check its true fact before you post/repost , include studys etc not just make emotional points , listen to arguments before rebutting and above all be nice when posting and commenting :-)
27 Nov 2021
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