Tarrant, a 28-year-old man from Grafton ,NSW, Australia entered the Al Noor and Linwood Islamic centre Mosques
in succession in Christchurch on the afternoon of 15th March 2019 in
Christchurch shooting indiscriminately, killing 51 and injuring 49. He was
arrested shortly afterward and was charged with 51 murders, 40 attempted
murders, and engaging in a terrorist act. He initially pleaded not guilty to
all charges, with the trial expected to start on 2 June 2020. But on 26 March
2020, he changed his plea to guilty on all charges.
This is
not only NZs biggest single mass rampage murder by a single gunman but also the
world’s 2nd biggest political one.
This was a
politically motivated racist shooting by an organised terrorist and alt right
white individual assisted by others intent on motivating more people to the
same ideology.
A 74 page
“manifesto Tarrant posted online, lists various neo-fascist aims, including the
creation of an atmosphere of fear among Muslims, espouses far-right and
anti-immigrant ideology in the document.
Tarrant named
his manifesto The Great Replacement, a
reference to Renaud Camus's 2011 book, The Great Replacement (aka The Replacement
Theory). Which is a white nationalist far-right conspiracy theory which states the presence of Muslims in France is a potential danger with the
destruction of French culture and civilisation. Camus and other conspiracy theorists
attribute this process to intentional policies advanced by global and liberal
“replacist” elites. The "Great Replacement" is included in a
larger white genocide conspiracy theory that
has spread in Western far-right movements since the late 20th
NZs chief media censor David Skanks says a review of the accused
Christchurch shooter's manifesto has ruled it was objectionable. Mr Shanks said
the aim of "hateful terrorist screeds" was to inspire others to
similar violent action. "Tragically, it appears that this may have already
happened. Since March the 15th we have seen horrific extremist attacks unfold
in a synagogue in Poway near San Diego, in a Walmart in El Paso and even more recently
in a mosque in Norway.
Fears of the white races extinction, and replacement theory in
particular, have been cited by several accused perpetrators of mass shootings
between 2018 and 2019. Analysts including Heidi Beirich of the Southern Poverty
Law Centre say the idea of white genocide has undoubtedly influenced American
white supremacists, potentially leading to violence.
In 2019,
research by the Institute
for Strategic Dialogue showed
over 24,000 social media mentions of the Great Replacement in the month before
the Christchurch shootings, in comparison to just 3,431 mentions in April 2012.
The use of the term spiked in April 2019 after the Christchurch mosque
Crusius, the suspect in the 2019
El Paso shooting , posted an online manifesto titled The Inconvenient
Truth alluding to the "great replacement" and
expressing support for "the Christchurch shooter" minutes before the
attack; it alluded to a "Hispanic invasion of Texas" and "simply
trying to defend my country from cultural and ethnic replacement brought on by
an invasion" as justifications for the shooting.
he was living in Dunedin prior to the attack a neighbour, who shared an
internal wall with Tarrant in his house in Andersons Bay, described him as a
"bit of a recluse" and a "loner, but a friendly loner." The
neighbour also stated that Tarrant would offer to mow the lawns for his and his
neighbour's landlord and help out around the property. He himself doesn’t
appear evil but the ideology he follows certainly is.
New Zealand has been considered a safe and tolerant place
with low levels of gun violence and was named the second most peaceful country
in the world by Global Peace Index 2019, the year of the attacks [1]. While
it’s a shock to many of us in “Peaceful” NZ, it should not be. Christchurch is
a hotbed of racism because it’s the South Islands biggest white city that lacks
the multicultural diversity of Auckland that challenges racist ideas.
signs had been in NZ for over a year prior to the mosque shooting. The united
front -Love Aotearoa Hate Racism - was formed in July 2018 for this very
reason, to combat the alt right, fascists , NAZIs and other racists gaining audiences
for their hate speech. Racism is fostered by speakers like Stefan Molyneux and
Paulin Hanson coming to NZ and being given air to speak. By allowing Tommy
Robinsons NZ supporters the space to protest without challenging them.
It’s not just from the outside but within also. Allowing white
supremacist or fascist or NAZI groups on university campuses to speak under the guise
of freedom of speech. Don Brash and his Hobsons pledge, Winston Peters, Bob
Jones and his Maori grateful day are all talking racist ideas. 8chan image
posting website allows this type of hate speech to spread through lack of
The shooter posted a manifesto and photos of his guns (named after
rampage killers) online only, days before the shooting, and posted live feed of
the shootings on facebook. Thou both the video and manifesto were subsequently
banned in New Zealand.
We know all this as its available knowledge on Wikipedia, but
whats not being talked about is how governments and the NZ Government in
particular are complicit in all this.
The NZ Government slashes civil liberties and illegally spies on
internet entrepreneurs, politicians, earthquake victims, state abuse victims,
environmentalists, Maori and justice activists who want real change in NZ and
are ultimately about challenging the government and the capitalist system at
its core. Kim Dotcom, Keith Locke and communist party, Save Happy Valley and
Tuhoe to name a few of many. So the NZ Government ignores the alt
right/fascists/NAZIs and their more violent harmful threats to human life and freedom
because the alt right/fascists are no real threat to Government and big
business as the alt right/fascists don’t intend to eliminate either but to
redirect and use them. Where as the “real” or “far” left realise to fix the world’s
problems, it cannot be done through capitalism and the current governments and
they must both be replaced with credible alternatives. In short the government
is more worried about the threat to itself from public dissent than it is about
public lives.
Governments, especially NZ will continue to do so until that
violence loses politicians votes. Both
National and Labour parties are complicit in creating this event by
deliberately not spying on the alt right. Even when the NZ Government was warned by Alexander Gillespie in
August 2016 at a gun select committee, of the alt right, including fascist,
terror threat rise.
A more concealed and hidden NZ Government complicity in extreme right wing , alt right , racist and fascist idiologies is that the government sets up the economic system of capitalism that creates all the conditions for the rise of the these far right ideas and political parties . Capitalism requires growth so you will always have huge immigration then have to deal with the problems it causes. It helps economic growth and it helps lower wages. It also creates housing crisis when its done to much. This is more noticeable in Europe with the far right wing partys rising in popularity around immigration. The far right make it about losing jobs and losing white culture what ever that you. That hasnt happened here to the same extreme but we still have wage slavery, alienation, wealth inequality.
When your liberal capitalism stops providing for society then people look further left or further right for alternatives.
Fascism gained popularity in 1930s depression with 5 fascist governments in 5 countries Italy, Germany, Japan , Spain and Portugal due to economic failure of laissez faire capitalism. 3 went on a territory expansion leading to WWII and the deaths of tens of millions .
ISIS arises in the middle east due to material conditions in Syria , that still havent been fixed . Now israels using it as an excuse to claim more Syrian territory as a fascist state. expansion program.
Jimmy explains it here in a 36 min rant Did i escape the alt right.
In a similar way that people rose against Labour partys covid crises with anti vax consipracy theories Governments poor covid response
RNZ The-story-of-white-supremacy
24 Mar 2019
Updated 29 May 2020
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