- Historical Timeline of Societys Development


300,000 years ago, found at Jebel Irhoud, Morocco[50] yield the earliest fossil evidence for anatomically modern Homo sapiens.

21,000 BC dog domesticated Siberia

9500 BCE cultivation of wheat fertile crescent

8500 BC sheep and goats domesticated in  Fertile Crescent, including the Sumerians. Its area covers what are now southern Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Israel, Egypt, and parts of Turkey and Iran

7000 BCE - earliest privilege found in Jordan

                   - domestication of potatoe Peru

                    - pigs domestication Anatolia (Turkey) & China

                    - maize domesticated Mexico

6500 BCE earliest metal mineral mining great lakes North America

6,000 BC - cattle domesticated Turkey and later Iran

                - horses first used Eurasian Steppe, modern-day Ukraine and West Kazakhstan.

                - domestication of rice Asia

5900 BCE start of copper age fertile crescent

5800 cultivation of cotton Peru . Pakistan 5500BCE

4200 CE earliest wheels used , in pottery in Southern Levant [Syria/ Lebanon] and Northern Mesopotamia [Iraq]  together making the fertile crescent.

4500 BCE Egyptians use burial texts - 1st evidence of written texts

4000 -3000 BCE Civilisation begins . Read here

3300- 1200 BCE bronze age

3200 BCE – written records is the accepted date history starts

3100 BC 1st commodity to satisfy all functions of money was silver under the Sumerians of                                     Mesopotamia.

3000 BC abouts -first civilisations in Mesopotamian, the Egyptian, the Ethiopian, the Chinese and the                 Meso-American (meso =middle) 

-classes develop – slaves and citizens

3,000-2,800 BC first tax in Egypt

2150 - 1400 BCE - The Epic of Gilgamesh written including the original flood.

2000 Sumerian scribes used spaces to denote absences in number columns as early as 4,000 years ago

1800 BC – 1701 BC The first recorded bank in the world was the Bank of Babylon

1400-100 BC old testament created , invents a new single God, now endowing humans as “responsible”individuals with freewill unlike the Celtic, Norse and Asian Gods.

1200 BCE – 550 ad iron age

9th C BCE Chinese monks discover gunpowder 

738 BC – Date accredited to Romulus creating roman calendar -which had 304 days or 10 months

715- 673 BC – Numa Pompilius accredited to adding Jan and Feb to calendar under his reign.

621 BC  Draco replaced oral law with written known as Draconian constitution in Athens

510 BC Hippias expulsionCleisthenes issued reforms in 508 and 507 BC - Athens institutes                                 effectively direct democracy to all males above 20yo who served in military.

469 B.C.E - 399 BC Socrates was born in Athens. Socrates thought human wellbeing was the goal and wisdom was important to that.   Socrates was convicted of corrupting the youth of Athens and introducing strange gods, and was sentenced to die by hemlock poisoning.

428 -348 B.C.E   Plato was Socrates student. Plato founded the Academy, a philosophical school in Athens where Plato taught the doctrines that would later become known as Platonism. The philosopher was an innovator of the written dialogue and dialectic forms in philosophy. He was a system-builder. 

384 BCE Aristotle (born Greece—died 322BC , Chalcis, Euboea).  Aristotle was the sudent of Plato . Aristotle is known for inventing the scientific method of analysis, which can be applied to multiple fields of study. He also is responsible for breaking fields of knowledge into categories and subcategories, such as psychology, biology, politics, logic, chemistry, and botany. His most important treatises include Physics, Metaphysics, Nicomachean Ethics, Politics, On the Soul and Poetics. Taught Aleander the Great.

These 3 make the tri of the Socratic philosophers and all favoured aristocracy as government form over Athenian democracy wiki. Aristotle provided he greatest contribution.

375 BCE Palto writes  "Republic" 

350 BC Political theory of social welfare (Aristotle, Greece): a state tax on assets of affluent citizens for distribution amongst the poor.

240 BC Greek Eratosthenes Measures the Earth circumference here

202 BC – 220 AD compass invented Han dynasty China

46 BCJulius Caesar establishment the Julian calendar fixes politisation of Roman calender

27 BCE  Roman Republic becomes the Roman Empire in  when Julius Caesar's adopted son,  Augustus, became the ruler of Rome.


50-100 AD said New Testament began being written -Attributed to Roman Emperor Titus

105AD paper invented China

170 AD The Muratorian Canon complies some of the new testament

286 AD The Roman Empire was to big to manage and was split into eastern and western empires, each ruled by its own emperor.

350AD The Mayans began using a zero marker in their calendars.

363 AD The Council of Laodicea stated the Old Testament and 26 books of the New Testament (except Revelation) were canonical (included in the list of sacred books officially accepted as genuine)

367 CE The church father Athanasius wrote his Thirty-Ninth Festal Letter, 

382 CE The Latin Vulgate was translated by St. Jerome

476 CE The decline of the East Roman empire was long . The Visigoths sacked Rome in 410 and the Vandals sacked Rome in 455 (giving rise to the term vandal and vandalism) . The end of the Eastern Roman Empire/The fall of Rome was completed in 476, when the German chieftain Odoacer deposed the last Roman emperor of the West, Romulus Augustulushere.`

5th century Brahmagupta, Indian astronomer and mathematician , used zero

5th century  BCE Rome's first dictator was Aulus Postumius Albinus, who was appointed in the first decade of the fifth century BCE a practice Rome did in times of crisis.

609-632 CE  Supposedly Muhmmad received the word of god  Islam created.

632-634 Quran written down

634 Arabs begin conquering Middel East

10th century the zero entered Arabic numeral system in form resembling the oval shape we use today.

1005-1065 Privateers predate navies - Cinque Ports’ origins from reign of Edward the Confessor.

1066  William, the Duke of Normandy. and the Normans invade England in the last successful conquest of England. They instigate Common Law and common law surnames.

11th century – Chinese invent compass.

1188 The 1188 Cortes of León convened by Alfonso IX is sometimes taken to mark the beginning of parliamentary bodies in Western Europe.

1206 Mongol Empire founded by Genghis Khan

1215 Magna carta restrain English King Johns power to wage war at lwhim of ords expense.

1223- 1242 Mongol Empire first reaches Eastern Europe.

1238 Tai people colonise and found Siam.

1284 The English crown (monarch) annexed wales

1297 The Magna Carta 1297 signed  to restrain English King Edwards power to wage war at whim of lords expense.

1381 John Ball (c. 1338–1381)  who led the Peasants' Revolt of 1381. Hang for it. Ball was a popular preacher who criticized the church and the exploitation of laborers. He advocated for a classless society and a new social order. (a proto socialist)

1397–1494. The Medici Bank financial institution created by the Medici family in Italy -intro double ledger accounting.

1418 Portugal is first country to begin European colonisation , beginning in West Africa.

1440 Johannes Gutenberg invented the movable-type printing press , Germany.

1441 first African slaves by Spanish

1452 To protect church , Pope Nicolas V gave the right to enslave anyone who was not practicing the Christian religion,

1454 First complete bible printed – Gutenberg bible.

1453 The Eastern Roman empire goes roughly from 330 with the foundation of the city of Constantinople, to its fall, to the Ottoman Turks in 1453.

1492 The 11 year  war with the Moors ends 1492 Isabella and Ferdinand conquered Granada. With the conquest of Granada, almost the entire Iberian Peninsula was united in the hands of the Spanish kings. Ending 800 years of muslim rule. The kingdoms of Aragon and Castile came into personal union in 1492

       Oct  Italian Christopher Columbus sails on behalf of Spain searching for India , lands in Bahamas. Visits Cuba and Hispaniola (now Dominican Republic). Names natives Indians in error and starts holding slaves. Makes 4 voyages in total. here

1493   The Papal Bull "Inter Caetera," issued by Pope Alexander VI on May 4, 1493. Called the doctrine of Discovery .  The document supported Spain’s strategy to ensure its exclusive right to the lands discovered by Columbus the previous year.

        Spanish colonisation of the New World aka Americas begins when on his 2nd voyage he founds Isabela, the first permanent Spanish settlement on Hispaniola. , here wiki

1494 Spain and Portugal divide world in half under “Treaty of Tordesillas” .This explains the division in Sth America between Spanish and Portugese (Brazil) conquest. wiki

1501 Amerigo Vespucci discovers new continent not India and calls it the New World

1501 Alantic slave trade begins Spain 1501

                                                   Portugal 1526

                                                   Britain 1562

This was accompanied by mercantilism economics from 16th c to 18th- c export more than you import.

1507 Martin Waldseemuller creates map of the new world, names it America from latinised Amerigo.

1508  Juan Ponce de Leon conquered the island of Puerto Rico.

Early 1500s ,graphite discovered in Cumbria , Northern England - use to make pencils by mid 1500s and later in production to make perfect shaped cannonbals giving British navy and advantage.

1511 Spanish Conquistador Hernan Cortez sails to and conquers Cuba.

1516 Thomas More (1478-1535),lawyer , published  Utopia in 1516. ore imagines an ideal society on a fictional island where private property is abolished and everyone shares resources. The citizens of this utopia live in a society that prioritizes collective well-being over individual wealth and luxury.

1519 Hernan Cortez landed at Veracruz, in New Mexico, and formed the alliance with local tribes that overthrew the Aztec Empire. To colonise and steal their treasures especially gold . Called Conquistadors (Spanish for conquerors). The first ones where privately funded and run before the Spanish Crown took over and created an empire.

1529 Treaty of Zaragoza between Portugal and Spain

1532 The Spanish began the conquest of the Inca Empire in 1532 , completed by 1572.

1534  Englands Treason Act  passed

1536 - Act of Union 1536 -   England announces desire  incorporates/unifies Wales making its 1284 annexation legal.

        - England first colonises Ireland.

        - England passes Dissolution of the Lesser Monasteries Act

1542 Charles V as Holy Roman Emperor abolished the enslavement of native Americans by decree in his Leyes Nuevas New Laws

1543 – 1834 - The Spanish government created the Asiento system to legalise buying slaves.

           - Nicolaus Copernicus Proposes Heliocentric theory -  Earth revolves around the sun.

           - Act of Union 1536 came into effect

1547 Poor law tax intro England.

1555 The Peace of Augsburg

1566 -1688  The Eighty Years' War[i] aka  Dutch Revolt  

1570 The first form of flintlock called a snaphaunce invented.

1580 The Iberian Union was the dynastic union of Spain (Castile and Aragon) and Portugal, and of their respective colonial empires, that existed between 1580 and 1640.

1581 The Dutch republic is created breaking away from Absolutist King Phillip II of Spain  

1582  Gregorian calendar, introduced by Pope Gregory XIII to fix Julian calender.

1600 – 1874 British East India company (BEIC) created to exploit resources in Indonesia

1601 – 1848 Poor Law Tax nationalised under Queen Elizabeth 1

1602 Dutch East India Company (DEIC) created

          Amsterdam Stock Exchange Founded

1603 Queen Elizabeth dies childless and her cousin  King James IV of Scotland ascends English throne as King James I.

1605 The Gunpowder Plot. Was an attempt by radical Catholics to assassinate King James I and destroy Parliament in one explosion. Guy Fawkes was caught guarding the explosives and was hanged.

1607 Virginia is first USA colony created here

         - O'Doherty's Rebellion, 1607. Ireland. 

1609 Italy – Galileo Galilei using first telescope begins expanding on Copernicus heliocentric solar                     system theory

1611 Amsterdam Stock Exchange created to trade DEIC [1st stock exchange]

        King James I dissolves English parliament.

1618 -1648  The Thirty Years' War[j] was one of the longest and most destructive conflicts in European history, tied up with eighty year war .  here wiki . Began as a religious dispute between Protestants and Catholics within the Holy Roman Empire, but evolved into a broader struggle for political power and territorial control involving multiple European powers,135.

1625 Hugo Grotius, Dutch jurist and scholar whose masterpiece De Jure Belli ac Pacis (1625; On the Law of War and Peace is considered one of the greatest contributions to the development of international law.

1626 Francis Bacon dies (1561–1626) English philosopher, statesman, scientist, lawyer, jurist author, and pioneer of the scientific method.

1632  John Locke was born in in Wrington , Somerset, England

1633 Galileo di Vincenzo Bonaiuti de' Galilei put on trial by church was convicted of “strong suspicion of heresy, put under house arrest.

1637  Rene Descartes (1596–1650) "Discourse on the Method " published  featuring his famous dictum "I think, therefore I am" .  Some date age of Enlightenment from here, others cite the publication of Isaac Newtons Principia Mathematica  (1687) as the end of science era. 

       - Tulip Mania, also called Tulip Craze,  a speculative frenzy in Holland reaches its peak and crashes

1639 The Bishop Wars in Scotland ( in 2 parts)  - rebellion against King Charles I of England. Like many wars of this time they begin as religious practice differences , turning  differences into a struggle for political supremacy.

1640 Feb , "Short" English parliament called and dissolved by King Charles I  , later "Long" English Parliament called but remained refusing to leave.

          Aug, Charles gets money from Irish Parliament and begins the 2nd Bishop war.

1641 Rene Descartes publishes  "Meditations on First Philosophy. "

        Oct Irish "Ulster" rebellion.

1642-1652 1st & 2nd 3rd English Civil war proper 

1642-1646 The levellers came to prominence 1648-1649 most influential in which they published a newspaper, The Moderate,[3], pioneers in the use of petitions and pamphleteering to political ends.[4][5]  Their ideas presented in their manifesto "Agreement of the People". Were early/proto liberals Britannica , wiki

1644 – 1755 First 13 USA states legalise slavery. After the declaration of independence they start banning slavery.

         - Rene Descartes "Principles of Philosophy"

         - Manchurian Qing Dynasty established in China

1645 New model army formed that helped win the 1st English Civil war for Roundheads, here , wiki .

1648 2nd English civil War.

The Peace of Wesphalia (agreement at end of 30yr war) established the principle of territorial sovereignty, laying the groundwork for the modern state concept. wiki

1649- 1650The Diggers of England - agrarian socialists declare themselves the true levelers. broken up with violence.

1650  Gerrard Winstanley (1609-1676) Diggers leader , writes  "The New Law of Righteousness", the pamphlet outlined his vision for a just and righteous society, where common ownership of land and resources was emphasized,

1650 -1652The Anglo-Scottish War, sometimes referred to as the Third English Civil War.

1653 At the end of the Three kingdoms and 3 Civil Wars Oliver Cromwell becomes Lord protector of the Commonwealth .

1659 John Stuart Mill - utilitarian  -"On Liberty" 

1660  After Oliver Cromwells death Charles II is restored to throne

1661 Charles II dissolves Parliament.

1685 Charles dies and  James II is put on the throne 

1687 The Anglo-Siamese (Thai)  War was a brief state of war that existed between the English East India Company and Kingdom of Siam in 1687–88. Siam officially declared war against the Company in August 1687. 

1688  The Siamese revolution of 1688 , was a major popular uprising in the Siamese Ayutthaya Kingdom (modern Thailand) which led to the overthrow of the pro-French Siamese king NaraiSiam severed significant ties with the Western world, with the exception of the Dutch East India Company, until the 19th century.

1688 English Glorious revolution . After  Dutch invasion James II goes into exile Parliament declares the throne vacated and installing Willliam and Mary jointly on throne thereby establishing the principle that sovereignty derived from Parliament, not birth. 

1689 John Locke (1632–1704) publishes "A Letter Concerning Toleration" and  An Essay concerning Human Understanding” ,  ideas on origins of human knowledge and experience

    - English Bill of Rights Act passed , influenced by John Lock.

1690 John Lock publishes "Two Treatises of Government"

1701 Acts of Settlement passed in England , limited the succession to the English and Irish crowns to only Protestants,

1703 Louis-Arman, Baron de Lahontan in his "Nouveaux voyages dans l'amerique septentrionale"  (New Voyages in Northern America). Describes indigenous  American society as being in anarchy.

1706 -1718 Republic of Pirates – socialism in action

1707 Acts of Union unites Scotland and England again and is called The Kingdom of Great Britain. The Parliament of England then becomes the Parliament of Great Britain. here

1712  Atmospheric engine, invented by Thomas Newcomen (first viable steam engine).

1715 The personal unon of (Spanish) crowns of Castile and Aragon ended when it became de jure (legal) forming Spain as a country in 1715.

1734  François-Marie Arouet  aka Voltaire writes "Lettres Philosophiques" , a collection of letters criticizing the French government and the Catholic Church

1735 Britains Board of Longitude put up prize for an invention of an accurate marine chronometre and John Harrison claims it. 

1739 David Hume writes "A Treatise of Human Nature". Unhappy with it rewrites into next 2 books

1748 David Hume writes An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding (1748) 

1751 David Hume writes An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals 

1755 Jean Jaque Rousseau "Discourse on the Origins of Inequality"

1756 7 year war begins  between Britain versus Spain France in North America and Britain and Prussia versus Russia and Austria in Europe

1759 Adam Smith publishes The Theory of Moral Sentiments”

1760-1840 Considered the beginning of the British industrial revolution by historian Arnold Toynbee. 

1762 Jean Jacque Rousseau " The Social contract" & "Emile: or On Education" 

1763 Adam Smith writes -  Lectures on Justice, Police, Revenue, and Arms (1763) (first published in             1896).

1764 or 1765 England -the spinning jenny invented by James Hargreaves

1765 British Parliament passed the Stamp Act, to pay for the large  British army stationed in North America from 7 year war.

1769 England- James Watt steam engine invention  revolutionises industry. here

1770s The British East India Company (BEIC) starts selling Opium to china . This is to balance Britains trade deficits with China because Britain imported China and Tea but China didnt want anything from Britain.

1774 American 13 colonies here called "united colonies" object to Stamp tax and begins revolution begins with first continental congress. At that time there were  26 British colonies in Americas so not all revolted. here Revolution timeline here

          1775 Revolutionary fighting begins

1776 - 2nd continental congress & independence declaration,. Official name becomes United States of America

                   - Thomas Paine publishes the revolutionary "Common Sense" and The American Crisis"

           1777 Articles of confederation adopted by Congress,.

Vermont declares itself a (American) state but not part of USA and is first state to ban slavery,  and gives black males the vote.

1778 - 1871 USA signs 368 Treaties with Native Americans and breaks every one thanks to population growth causing increased land demands.

-  The signing in Paris of the Treaty of Amity and Commerce and the Treaty of Alliance, the Franco-American alliance was formalized.    

            1781 Mar - Articles of confederation ratified.

                     Sep-Oct Siege and conquest of Yorktown is the last battle of the revolution.

            1782 Preliminary treaty made.

            1783 Treaty of Paris signed between USA and Britain recognising USAs independence.

            1787 Philadelphia convention.

            1788 USA constitution ratified.

            1791 USA Bill of Rights ratified as 1st 10 amendments to the constitution.

                      Vermont becomes the 14th state of USA

Some history of the formation of the USA here.

1775 Thomas Spence publishes "The Rights of Man"

1776 - Adam Smith publishes An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations

         - Jeremy Bentham [utilitarian] publishes A Fragment on Government”

1777 Joseph Alexandre Victor d'Hupay was a aristocrat French writer and philosopher, work "Le Droit Naturel" (Natural Rights) was published , which  outlined his ideas about a society based on communal living and the abolition of private property, which align with early forms of socialism and communism

1779  Victor d'Hupay publishes "Project for a Philosophical Community "

1780 Jeremy Bentham publishes "An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation"

1781 Immanuel Kant  publishes "Critique of Pure Reason" 

1782 Victor d'Hupay referred to himself as a communiste, [the French form of the word "communist"], in a letter

1783  The first steam-powered ship Pyroscaphe, built in France  by Marquis Claude de Jouffroy.

1777 Joseph Alexandre Victor d'Hupay was referred to as a communist in a book review by Restif de la Bretonne; according to some sources, this was the first time that the word "communism" was used in print in its modern sense.

1785 Immanuel Kant published Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals 

1788 Immanuel Kant publishes "Critique of Practical Reason" 

1789-1799 The French revolution. French Republic declared.

- Jeremy Bentham publishes "The Principles of Morals and Legislation" 

- Francois-Noel Babeuf [proto communist] publishes "Cadastre Perpetuel" aka "Perpetual Land Register"

1790 - Immanuel Kant "Critique of Judgement" 

1791 Thomas Paine  "Rights of Man" 

1792 Mary Wollstonecraft publishes "A Vindication of the Rights of Woman"

1793 -1794 France's Reign of Terror begins.

- William Godwin [philosopher utilitarian , anarchist proponent ] publishes  "Enquiry Concerning Political Justice and its Influence on Morals and Happiness" .

        - USA - Cotton Gin invented – leads to massive demand for African slaves

       Oct . In France the Constitution of 1793 or sometimes the "Montagnard Constitution. provided a model framework for an egalitarian, democratic republic; however, owing to the ongoing war the Convention suspended constitutional rule in October 1793 in favor of "revolutionary government . . . until the peace." here

1794 France becomes 1st country to abolish slavery

       - Philadelphia Sheetmetal Union founded.

Nicolas de Condorcet “Sketch for a Historical Picture of the Human Mind published posthumously.

1795 The Constitution of 1795 (Year III), French constitution established during the Thermidorian Reaction in the French Revolution.  It was more conservative than the abortive democratic Constitution of 1793. The Constitution of 1795 established a liberal republic with a franchise based on the payment of taxes, similar to that of the Constitution of 1791; a bicameral legislature to slow down the legislative process; and a five-man Directory. The central government retained great power, including emergency powers to curb freedom of the press and freedom of association. here

 Francois Noel Babeuf. opposes this constitutionas explained in  Doctrine of Babeuf .

1796 The "The Manifesto of the Equals" document witten and while its attributed  to Sylvain Maréchal, commonly thought to have multiple authors  including Francois Noel Babeuf.

-The ruling Qing dynasty in China outlawed the opium trade in 1796 and 1800, [62] but British merchants continued illegally nonetheless.

1797 Revolutionary socialist Francois Babeuf executed after being accused of  planning "conspiracy of equals" uprising.

         - Thomas Spence publishes "The Rights of Infants"

1798 - England - Thames Police created

          - Coal gas lighting first used by Murdock in USA in his house.

          - Irish rebellion against British colonisation inspired by the USA and French revolutions .

1799 Robert wen buys the New Lanark mill.

1800 May An act of Congress passed made it illegal for Americans to engage in the slave trade between nations, and gave U.S. authorities the right to seize slave ships which were caught transporting slaves and confiscate their cargo. Trading driven underground and The schooner Clotilda  was the last known U.S. slave ship to bring captives from Africa to the USA , arriving at Mobile Bay, in autumn 1859 or on July 9, 1860

Aug The Act of The Union 1800 added the Kingdom of Ireland to create the Unite Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland in 1801. Shortened to United Kingdom or UK.

1803 Henri de Saint-Simon [proto socialist - technocrat] writes "Lettres d'un habitant de Genève à ses contemporains"

1804 - Napoleon becomes Emperor of France, re-established slavery

         Richard Trevithick builds 1st full-scale working railway steam locomotive in UK

-  The de Rivaz engine , a pioneering reciprocating engine designed and developed by the Franco-Swiss inventor Isaac de Rivaz. [has a claim to be the world's first internal combustion engine]

1807-1818 Slave trading banned; Britain 1807 , USA 1808, Spain 1817 ,Sweden, Netherlands France

       - First public gas street lighting demonstrated in London by Frederick Albert Winsor.

        - c1807 Industrial Revolution exported to Belgium by developing machine shops at Liege.

1808 Charles Fourier [utopian socialist] writes "The Theory of the Four Movements"

            Then the USA "Act Prohibiting the Importation of Slaves" took effect in 1808. 

1811-1816 Luddites smash gear in protest and get arrested and executed.

1812-1816 Robert Owen [utopian socialist] publishes "A New View of Society and Report on the County of Lanark"

War of 1812, (June 1812–Feb 1815), conflict fought between the United States and Great Britain over British violations of U.S. maritime rights. 

1815 Napoleon beaten at battle of waterloo

1815-1848 English Corn Laws enacted. The 1815 Corn Law prohibited the import of grain until the price of domestic grain passed a set threshold (corn in this instance referring to all cereal grains, not just corn). It raised the price of bread astronomically for the working class and was incredibly controversial at the time. here

1816-1818 Charles Fourier writes "Le Nouveau Monde amoureux"

1817 Henri de Saint-Simon publishes L'Industrie

 - The American Colonization Society (ACS) was formed to send free African -Americans to Africa as an Alternative to emancipation in USA. here .

1818 General Union of Trades, also known as the Philanthropic Society, founded in 1818 Manchester forerunner of trade unions which were illegal at that time.

1820 William Godwin  "Population : An Enquiry concerning the Power of Increase in the Numbers of Mankind"

1819 England -The Peterloo Massacre, Lancashire, of people demanding reform of                                             parliamentary representation (democracy)

1821 Great Britain formalised the gold standard.

         - USA takes over Florida from Spanish after paying their debts.

1822The American Colonization Society established a colony on the west coast of Africa , that in 1847 became the independent nation of Liberia.

1823 USA Monroe Doctrine written.

1824 Trade unions legalised in England.

1825 Robert Owen buys Harmony town and creates New Harmony model community.

        Henri de Saint-Simon, French social theorist and one of the chief founders of Christian socialism. Writes his major work, Nouveau Christianisme (1825),

1828  The Working Men's Party Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA  to promote candidates promoting policies of concern to the working class. The organization was also known as the Workingmen's Republican Political Association from January 1829.

1829 English Police created by Robert Peel

 - Charls fourier publishes "Le Nouveau Monde Industriel Et Sociétaire: Ou Invention Du Procédé D'industrie Attrayante Et Naturelle Distribuée En Séries Passionnées"

1830 National Association for the Protection of Labour was established in 1830 by John Doherty.

1832 Word socialism claimed by Pierre Leroux, who alleged he first used the term in the Parisian journal Le Globe in 1832. 

1833 British Parliament abolishes slavery in its colonies  here . William IV was king at the time and like many opposed aboloition,  here.

1834 Grand National Consolidated Trade Union established by Robert Owen

1835 Declaration of Independence by Northern Maori Tribes of Aotearoa (renamed NZ after colonisation) 

First breach loading gun with cartridge developed.

 -  The Proclamation of NSW Governor Richard Bourke implemented the legal principle of terra nullius in Australian law as the basis for British settlement

1836 – 1848 Chartism in Britain the political side of workers

1838 Chartism movement begins, ends 1857

3 petitions by the chartist movement by London working mens club presented to English parliament for universal mens suffrage and paid MPs , 1838, 1839, 1848 , rejected each time.

1839   The Qing took measures to prevent the East India Company from selling opium, and destroyed tens of thousands of chests of opium already in the country. This  led to the First Opium War in 1839, which involved a succession of British naval attacks along the Chinese coast. here

1840 Feb -Treaty of Waitangi signed between 500 Maori chiefs & King of England in Aotearoa (later renamed NZ)

 -  Pierre-Joseph Proudhon  first person call himself anarchist writes  "What Is Property?; Or, an Inquiry Into the Principle of Right and of Government" , wiki .

            - John Goodwyn Barmby is credited with the first use of communism in English.

1841   Brook Farm (q.v.), communal groups—phalanxes—were established near Boston, founded by George Ripley based on Charles fouriers ideas.

1843 The foundations of anarcho-communism were laid by Théodore Dézamy in his 1843 work Code de la Communauté, which was formulated as a critique of Étienne Cabet's utopian socialism.

1845-1848 slavery abolished France

1846 Peter Kropotkin , the first anarchist, writes  "Philosophy of Property"

        USA invades Texas starting Meican-American war .

1847 Karl Marx and Frederick Engels write “The Manifesto of the Communist Party” , published 1848.

1848 - Wave of European revolutions  against Monarchies  starting in France and succeeding , but failing elsewhere in German states (Prussia, Bavaria, etc.) Austrian Empire ,Hungary, Italian states  (Sicily, Naples, Rome, etc.) , Poland, Czech lands

         - Germany - first trade unions were founded on a national level in the revolutions of 1848/49.

         - French Second Republic begins, ending 1852.

        - Karl Marx self exiled to London England

        - France universal male suffrage instituted

         - John Stuart Mill - Utilitarian " Principles of Political Economy "

 - After USA defeats the Mexicans concludes 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgoceded Alta California along with its other northern territories east through Texas, receiving $15,000,000 in exchange. to the USA. This territory is about 25% of USA contiguous land.

1849  August Willich ( 1810- 1878) Prussian noble was a more radical communist , prominent leader in 1848 revolution thinks Marx is to conservative and challenges him to duel after disagreement.

1850 Louis Blanc [utopian socialist]  is attributed with initial use of the term "capitalism" in its modern sense

1854 Parliament opened in Auckland , NZ but not being responsible has no power.

1856 - Declaration of Paris makes privateering officially illegal

         - First responsible [to coloniser settlers] government formed in NZ

 -  A second Opium War broke out and continued until 1860, when the British and French captured Beijing and forced on China a new round of unequal treaties, 

1857 The Indian Rebellion of 1857 and after under the provisions of the Government of India Act 1858, the British Government nationalised the BEIC . The British government took over its Indian possessions, its administrative powers and machinery, and its armed forces.[85]


1860 Mar - Land Wars begin in Taranaki  - when Maori try to stop land unlawful land sales and stealing by new coloniser govt - ending 1872

          -  May  London Trade Unions Council established.

          - Jul last known U.S. slave ship to bring captives from Africa to the USA , arriving at Mobile Bay, in autumn 1859 or July 9 1860, 60 years after importing was banned.

1861-1865 USA - Southern states cede to protect slavery- attack fort Summer and begin the civil war.

         - John Stuart Mill's work "Utilitarianism", originally published in Fraser’s Magazine

1863  Jan - President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863, announcing, "that all persons held as slaves" within the rebellious areas "are, and henceforward shall be free."

           - May General German Workers' Association (ADAV) founded  by Ferdinand Lassalle.

 - Jul a British Imperialist force force led by Lieutenant-General Duncan Cameron crossed the Mangatāwhiri Stream and invaded the Waikato , here ,   after trying many devious tactics to break Maori including issue loyalty ultimatum .Māori defeat at Ōrākau — 'Rewi's last stand' — in April 1864 . NZ govt passes  NZ Settlement Act to legitimise confiscation (stealing) Maori la

        In The Principle of Federation (1863), anarchist Pierre Joseph Proudhon modified his earlier anti-state position, arguing for "the balancing of authority by liberty".

1864  Sep The International Workingmen's Association (IWA) founded and convenes the  1st International   in London.

1865 - USA Civil war ends with Northern Union victorious 

          -  President Abraham Lincoln is coerced into abolishing Slavery

          - USA Southern states institute “black codes” aka Jim Crow laws to prevent true black freedom

1866 USA -The National Labor Union was founded in Baltimore, Maryland.

         -  Louis-Auguste Blanqui [evolutionary socialist] writes "Instructions for an Armed Uprising"

1867 Britain - Karl Marx publishes 1st Volume of "Das Kapital" translated in English as “Capital”

       USA buys Alaska from Russia and is the beginning of USA epansion - some say its empire building

1869 - Britain The Labour Representative League founded to register workers to vote and go to parliament (forerunner of Labour Party)

 - German The Social Democratic Workers' Party of Germany (SDAP) a Marxist socialist political party in the North German Confederation  founded. Lasts until 1875 when merges with ADAV 1875

       Louis-Auguste Blanqui writes Communism, the Future of Society"

1870 The Franco-Prussian war. German starts lead by Prussia defeats Napolean 3rd of France .Bonapartism autocracy power ends. 3rd Republic of France is declared to sue for peace. This conflict leads to state alliances which ultimately lead to WWI.

1871 - Paris Commune rebellion happens as result of  Napoleans defeat .

         - German Empire institutes universal male suffrage

- Austrian School of Economics Founded by Menger and Mises and others (liberals)

         Oct Chinese massacre LA , USA , whites riot and kill 19 chinese immigrants.

1873 -  Germany formalised the gold standard triggering rest of Europe to follow ending the silver standard.

         -   Anarchist Mikhail Bakunin writes "Statism and Anarchy"

          - Depression in Europe , lasts until 1896.

1875  General German Workers’ Union, ADAV and The Social Democratic Workers' Party of Germany SDAP) merge .  Taking the name Socialist Workers' Party of Germany (SAPD). Issuing the " Gotha Programme" which Karl Marx immediately criticises here .

1877 NZ The Education Act 1877 passed , enabling established free, compulsory and secular education for all Pākehā New Zealand children.

1878 -1888  German Empire "Anti-Socialist" Laws officially Gesetz gegen die gemeingefährlichen Bestrebungen der Sozialdemokratie, approximately "Law against the public danger of Social Democratic endeavours") .

1879 NZ – universal male suffrage achieved – ie the right to vote.

1880 Frederick Engels publishes  "Socialism: Utopian and Scientific"

 - An English landlord Charles Cunningham Boycott was such a bad landlord to the Irish in the county Mayo , that the town refused to serve or provide services to him in the town or work his farm. Soon picked up by newspapers, boycotting became the name for protesting by witholding services that it is today. 

1881 NZ - Parihaka community in Taranaki unlawfully raided by constabualry (police forerunner) effectively ending resistence to colonisers stealing land.

        - Mikhail Bakunin writes   “God and the State"

1882 Louis Blanc publishes "Discours Politique"

        - Thomas Hill Green [Liberal] publishes "Can There be a Natural Science of Man"

       May - The Triple Alliance agreement is signed between Germany , Austria-Hungry and Italy which promised support by others if one is attacked. wiki . Theyre also called the Central Powers.

1883 Thomas Hill Greens two main books were published posthumously: Prolegomena to Ethics (1883),  and Lectures on the Principles of Political Obligation

1884  Jan British Fabian Society founded.

 Nov 84 - Feb 85 Berlin Conference establishes Europes rules and areas for colonising Africa to avoid war between each other like they did in Americas.

        -  Britain -Womans Trade Union founded.

        - Frederick Engels publishes "The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State"

1885 - 1901 Socialist League Britain founded 

1886 -Cuba abolishes slavery

        - USA American Federation of Labour founded.

1886 - USA Haymarket riots- 7 anarchists falsely accuse 4 executed

         - Police Force Act creates NZ police force

1888 The The Matchmakers Union  (founded as The Union of Women Matchmakers was a British trade union formed in 1888 following the successful Matchgirls' strike.

1889 - 2nd International first convened by 82 socialist and Social Democratic partys and some unions

            - London dockers Strike begins

1890 By the latter 1880s the German Colonial Company for the South realizing it was incapable of administering the territory, the German government immediately took over the colony’s administration. here

       - SADP.. adopts name  SPD 

1891 NZ - The Liberal Party NZs first political party founded. and forms government.

1892  Russian anarchist communist Peter Kropotkin writes "The Conquest of Bread"

          Italian Workers party founded 

1893 - Italian Workers Parkers changes its name to Itaian socialist Party

           - Independent Labour Party of Britain created

        - NZ ,Women first self governing country grant women suffrage (the vote) ergo universal suffrage

        - A USA coup d'etat overthrows the Hawaii kingdom.

1895 France - General Confederation of Labour (CGT) founded.

- London School of Economics founded by Webb (social democrat)

1896 - 1898  Eduard Bernstein published a series of articles entitled "Probleme des Sozialismus "(Problems of Socialism) in which he begins arguing that an evolutionary transition to socialism was both possible and more desirable than revolutionary change.

        - Depression ends in Europe and capitalism restarts leading to a crises within Marxism theory, wiki

         - Progressivism Movement begins in USA ending 1917 , here , wiki .

 - Fredreich Naumann’s founded the National-Social Association that sought to combine liberalism, nationalism and (non-Marxist) socialism with Protestant Christian values, proposing social reform to prevent class struggle. Arguably the forerunner of Hitlers NAZIsm herewiki.

1897 Vladimir Lenin exiled to Siberia for 3 years.

         Zionism political organisation established under Theodor Herzl

1898 - USA imperialism proper begins – 

           - Apr  USA declares war on Spain , initiates its first overseas war.

            - May USA  attacking Spanish at Philippines begins the Spanish-American war -

           - Jul USA  annexes Hawaii.

 - Dec  The Spanish -USA  war ended with the 1898 Treaty of Paris, negotiated on terms favorable to the USA The treaty ceded ownership of Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines from Spain to the USA (annexed) and granted the USA  temporary control of CubaUSA pays Spain $20m for Philippines infrastructure. 

         - George Sorel's 1898 text, the Socialist Future of the Syndicate.

1899 - Eduard Bernstein (Marxist revisionist) published "Evolutionary Socialism: A Criticism and Affirmation"

         - Australian Labor Party elected to government (becoming the first social democrat party to be)

1900 Britain - Labour Representative Committee [forerunner of Labour Party] founded.

         - Rosa Luxemburg publishes "Reform of Revolution" on response to Bernstein

1901 Australia - Labor Party of Australia founded.

 GB - Taff vale Railway Co v Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants (ASRS) courts held that unions could be sued for damages caused by the actions of its officials in industrial disputes

         USA - Socialist Party of Amercica founded.

                  -  Immigration Act of 1903, also called the Anarchist Exclusion Act passed USA

        - NZ Socialist party founded

- In court case Downes v. Bidwell, 182 U.S. 244 (1901) the supreme court declares colonised territories of Philippines , Quam and Puerto Rico as "unincorporated territories"  not USA states of Americans like Hawaii , so officially making USA an empire. here

1902 -France CGT merges with syndicalist Federation of labour Exchanges

        - Federation of Australia created . Coloniser men and women have sufrage.

1903 - The International Brotherhood of Teamsters was founded in 1903.

          -  In 1903, the Marxist  Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (RSDLP) began to split on ideological and organisational questions into Bolshevik ('Majority') and Menshevik ('Minority') factions,

1904  Feb Russias empire expansion halted by apanese in Russo-Japanese war wiki

-NZ the Independent Political Labour league founded. Dissolved into original Labour Party 1910 

1905 Protests turn into attempted revolution in Russia , put down harsly.

1905 Jan , 1st Russian revolution,  A peaceful demonstration a 100 protestors killed, beginning a series of more protests and strikes crippling St Petersburg. here

        Oct Tzar Nicololas II agrees to issue the October Manifesto which promised to set up an elected legislature (duma) and to grant political and civil liberties. ie bring in a constitutional monarchy.

 The Federation of the Socialist Workers of France was termed "possibilist" because it advocated gradual reforms, whereas the French Workers' Party promoted Marxism. In 1905 these two trends merged to form the French Section Française de l'Internationale Ouvrière (SFIO), led by Jean Jaurès 

1906 British Labour Party founded.

1907 - NZ The Tohunga Suppression Act 1907 to stop Maori practising traditional healing 

 - USA , Indianna state passes Sterilisation Act-  24 states followed to stop the mentilly unfit reproducing.

- The Hague convention sets out how to declare war

 -  With the Anglo-Russian alliance  the Triple Entente comes into existence not as single agreement/treaty but series of individual ones involving  primarily  Great Britain , France and Russia then Japan . wiki The Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente were European powers protecting their their by now capitalist powers , colonies and empires.

1909 Feb - NZs 2nd party the Reform party is founded.

1910 Emma Goldman publishes " Anarchism and Other Essays" essay collection

          - 1st Labour Party (of NZ) formed , dissolved into the "United Labour party" 1912

 The Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (English: National Confederation of LaborCNT) is a Spanish confederation of anarcho-syndicalist labor unionsfounded in Spain.

1911 Oct Chinese revolution against Chinas last Imperial dynasty the Qing Dynasty  The revolution was the culmination of a decade of agitation, revolts, and uprisings. Its success marked the collapse of the Chinese monarchy, the end of 2,132 years of imperial rule in China and 276 years of the Qing dynasty. - Leads to the establishment of Republic of China.

1912 NZ- Waihi Gold Mine workers strike - 1 miner murdered. here

1913 - Ireland - Great Dublin workers lockout begins , ending 1914

- NZ Great Waterfront and Miners strike ,  14-16,000 on strike

- The Socialist party (1901) (NZ) merge with united Labour Party (1912) to form Social Democratic party (NZ) .

        California becomes first USA state to prohibit cannabis . The legislation was sponsored by the state Board ofPharmacy as part of a wider, aggressive anti- narcotics campaign originally aimed at opiates. This leads  many states to follow. here

1914  April The Ludlow Massacre  in Colarado USA - 21 striking miners murdered in their tents by                 soldiers and guards for the Colorado Fuel and Iron Company

        - June  - Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungry is assassinated  by a Serbian national.

How the West snowballed into WWI here

 - July 28th After alot of politics , threats and bunders , Both Austria-Hungary and Germany's declared war on Serbia initiating WWI . timeline here 

Aug 1 The SPD members of the Reichstag voted in favour of the war and  Germany declared war  Russia, (Serbias ally) the same day. 

                      Germany and Ottoman Empire sign an alliance. France mobilises

                    3rd Germany declares war on France

                    4th Germany declares war on Belgium (to get to France)              

                    5th Britain declares war on Germany

                          - USA declares neutrality

                         - The Ottoman Empire officially declared neutrality.

                    10th France declares war on Austro-Hungry

                    11th Montenegro declares war on Germany

                    12th Britain declares war on Austro-Hungry

                    23rd Germany invades France , Austria-Hungry invades Poland 

                           Japan declares war on Germany

                    25th Austria-Hungry  declares war on Japan

                     27th Austria -Hungry declares war on Belgium 

                  - Germany -  The Spartacus League an International Group founded  by Rosa LuxemburgKarl LiebknechtClara Zetkin, who opposing the war split from the SPD who supported it.

           - Oct Ottoman Empire  attacks Russia .

           -  Nov 1st  Russia in turns declares war on Ottoman Empire.

                      2nd Serbia declares war on Ottoman Empire

                      3rd Montenegro declares war on Ottoman Empire

                      5th  The United Kingdom and France declared war on the Ottomans.  

 Dec The first recorded instance of the United States enacting a ban on the domestic distribution of drugs is the Harrison Narcotic Act[7] of 1914. On opiates.

          - Benito Mussolini expelled from the Italian Socialist Party (PSI) for advocating in favour of war.

1915 Italy switches allegiances and declares war on the Ottoman empire.

          Oct Bulgaria invades Serbia on side of Central Power

1916 April - Irish Easter Rising rebellion , was quickly crushed – Leading socialist James Connelly & 15 others executed.

May The Sykes–Picot Agreement a secret agreement between Britain and France with assent from Russian and Kingdom of Italy how to divide Ottoman Empire [Palestine to Britain].

Jul - NZ Labour Party founded by at conference by  United Federation of Labour, the Social Democratic Party (SDP) and local Labour Representation Committees (LRCs).

Aug Ottoman Empire declares war on Romania.

- The Spartacus League renames itself the Spartacus Group

- The Social Democratic party (NZ) and remanents of the United Party for the current NZ Labour Party

1917 -February revolution Russia – topples Tzar - reformist Provisional Government put in place

April 4th,  the U.S. Senate voted in support to declare war on Germany. The House concurred two days later. 

- Aril 6th  - Independent social democrat party (USPD) founded in Germany. Mainly from the antiwar left  who split from he SPD.

       - April 16, Vladimir Lenin comes back from exile

       - Jun Woodrow Wilson signs into being the "Espionage Act"

        - Jul 2 Greece declares war on the Ottoman Empire.

 - Oct  Bolshevik party lead Russian  revolution proper, ends Provisional Government -first Marxist attempt at communism – Russia renamed Russian Soviet Federal Socialist Republic or RSFSR 

        - Nov  Balfour issues the declaration promising homeland to Jews by Britain to Baron Rothschilde.

       -  Dec 7th The United States later declared war on German ally Austria-Hungary 

       - The Spartacus Group (formally Spartacus League ) joins  the Independent Social Democratic Party of Germany (USPD) which has itself split from SPD

1917-1920 1st red scare (anti communist propaganda and action) in USA

1918  WW1 ends with 4 empires and their monarchies ended including Russia

         Mar  The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk  ends the war between Russia and Axis powers (German Empire, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and Ottoman Empire) Germany and Russia. and here

         Sept Armistice signed between Allies and Bugaria

         Nov  9th   The abdication of Emperor William II on November 9, 1918, and a republic was declared  by Philipp Scheidemann , German Social Democratic politician who, without party or government authorization, made the proclaimed a republic from the balcony, afraid the communist revolutionaries would seize power .  A few hours later, communist leader Karl Liebknecht claimed that Germany was now a 'free socialist republic'.  This marked the end of the German Empire.

        Nov 11th The armistice is signed between Allies/Entente /Allies and Germany.

                18th Armistice of Muduros signed between Britain and Ottoman Empire ending WWI

               On Liebknecht's initiative, the Spartacus Group was re-founded

       Dec 30-  Jan 1st A conference of Spartacist Group, socialists and communists founded the Communist Party of Germany, (KPD)  with Liebknecht and Luxemburg as the leaders. (Spartacist /league is dissolved)

1919 Jan 5th Spartacist uprising - a communist uprising against provisional SPD government  here. wiki

        Jan 15th Spartius Revolution is over put down by newly created Feikorps as ordered by SPD . KPD leaders Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht murdered by Freikorp.

         Jan 19 Germanys SPD relected in elections - women given the vote

         Jan 21  Sein Finn  formed a breakaway government (Dáil Éireann) and declared Irish independence which was outlawed by Britain and along with the IRA began the war of independence from Britain which was gained in 1921 except for 4 northern counties. (Northern Ireland)

        Feb The national assembly met in Weimar on February 6, 1919 to write up a new constitution.

        - Russia renamed Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic (RSFSR), by congress.

        May . The Supreme Council of the 1919 Paris Peace Conference awarded all of German East Africa (GEA) to BritainBritain reaches its peak empire size .                

        - June  The Treaty of Versailles signed. The treaty's so-called “war guilt” clause forced Germany and other Central Powers to take all the blame for World War I. This meant a loss of territories, reduction in military forces, and reparation payments to Allied powers.

      - Aug 11th The German revolution effectively ended , when the Constitution of the German Reich (Weimar Constitution) was adopted.. Thus begins the Weimar Republic 1919-1933 which ended with Hitlers dictatorship.

         – German universal suffrage instituted

-The Irish War of Independence ending 1921 frees most of Ireland form Britain except 4 Provences of Northern Ireland.

- Italy gets screwed by Allies, Gabriele D'Annunzio leads nationalists to occupy Fiume and gives rise to much ideology and symbolism of fascism ends 1920.

-  The PSI attempted revolutionary upheaval, after a wave of strikes and factory occupations  , Benito Mussolini founds Fascis Italiani di Combattimento group and crushes the PSI

      - 3rd International better known as The Communist International founded.

- Socialist congressman and newspaper editor Victor L. Berger, labor leader and socialist  Eugene V. Debsanarchists Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman, charged under the  Espionage Act in USA

        -  Anton Dreseler founds the German Workers Party.

      - Adolf Hitler joins the German workers Party.

-In his " The Economic Consequences of the Peace" , published in December 1919, Maynard Keynes predicted that the stiff war reparations and other harsh terms imposed on Germany by the treaty would lead to the financial collapse of the country, which in turn would have serious economic and political repercussions on Europe

1920 Feb  The German Workers Party changes its name to National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP aka NAZI party) and Adolf Hitler  announces their National Socialist Program (aka 25-point Program or  25-point Plan) here , wiki .

April Britain granted a Mandate for Palestine on at the San Remo Conference, and, on 24 July 1922, this mandate was approved by the League of Nations.

July, Adolf Hitler becomes chairman of the German workers party and renames it the National Socialist German Workers Party (NAZI party)

       Sept . New York  Stock Exchange bombed 

1921- Italy  - Benito Mussolini. changes his party name to National Fascist Party.

         - The Chinese Communist Party, founded in 1921 in Shanghai,

- July ceasefire began on 11 July 1921. The post-ceasefire talks led to the signing of the Anglo-Irish Treaty on 6 December 1921. With the Irish Free State was created as a self-governing Dominion on 6 December 1922. 

1922  - United Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR) created – initially a federation of 4 countries RSFSR, Ukraine, Belarus, Transcaucasia, later becoming 15 states, led by Moscow.

         - Stalin was named the General Secretary of The Communist Party of the Soviet Union

         - Germanys USPD party merges back into SPD 

Von Mises publishes "socialism" in Germany

          - Oct Mussolinis Fascist Party effects a coup d'etat when in the "March on Rome" wiki

 1923 Jan  France and Belgium occupy the Ruhr region of Germany from from 11 January 1923 to 25 August 1925 after Germany payment defaults. wiki

Aug Politician Gustav Stresemann becomes German  Prime Minister. During his premiership, Stresemann would call a political state of emergency and ask the Rechswehr, or the German military, to eliminate extremist parties. This action would only succeed in silencing Communist and other left-leaning parties,

            Nov A failed attempted coup d'etat known as the Beer Hall Putcsch by the NAZI party.

Edward Berneys WW1 proagandist, writes Crystallizing Public Opinion (1923) and Propaganda (1928)  changes maketing from promoting products benefits to promoting what they idealised/represented, manipulated desires.

1924 RSFSR (old Russia) Vladamir Lenin dies – after power struggle Stalin takes over Bolshevik Party.

Adolf Hitler tried , convicted and imprisoned for treason for the attempted Beer Hall Putsch coup d'etat

1925 -  Benito Mussolini becomes Fascist dictator of Italy

          - Adolf Hitler finishes writes Mein Kemp while in prison and its published.

All China Federation of Trade Unions (ACFTU) founded. by communists reached 2. million by 1927

        - Hitler's book, "Mein Kampf" ('My Struggle') was published. 

1926 .Strong government hadnt been established and an army of the Nationalists, under the leadership of , Chiang Kai-shek, began to march north from Canton to unify all China. here

Nov  Antonio Gramsci Leader of Italian Communist Party leader is arrested and imprisoned until his death in 1937 and the PSI driven underground.

           - Mussolini bans the PSI and all other political parties except the Fascist Party.

1927 - ACFTU banned

         - Communists begin civil war against Nationalists–  interrupted by Japans invasion 1937

1928 UK Equal Franchise Act 1928, gives women the vote and universal suffrage

1929 Great Depression begins , ends around 1939 with onset WW2

1930 to 1932 an attempt was made to forbid all membership in National Socialists and Communist parties in Germany.

1931 - Britain, Germany & Austria leave gold standard

- The Chinese Soviet Republic (CSR) state within China, proclaimed by Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leaders Mao Zedong and Zhu De 

1932 British Union of Fascists established by Mosley.

- USAs unethical Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis conducted - gave blacks syphilis and didnt treat or tell them . ended in 1972.

- A revolution in  Siam, replacing the absolute  monarchy with a constitutional monarchy. Changing is name to Thailand in 1939.

1933 Jan  The new German cabinet was sworn in during a brief ceremony in Hindenburg's office. The Nazi Party gained three posts: Hitler was named chancellor,

Mar Germany Hitler and Nazi party gain power , passes the Enabling Act , allowing NAZI laws passed without Parliament vote

Jul The Nazis became the only legal party allowed in the German government

-  Hitler bans SPD (social democrat ) and  KPD (Communist) partys from German Parliament.

- Hitler smashes all unions and creates the governmant controlled German Labour Front quasi union.

- Portugal – Salazar becomes fascist dictator

- British Union of Fascists founded.by Sir Oswald Mosley

- USA departs gold standard – Roosevelt  ordered all banks to close for four-day in March, signs Executive Order 6102, which forbade “the hoarding of gold coins, gold bullion, and gold certificates within United States.” until 1974.

1934 Jan  USA passes US Gold Reserve Act requiring all gold held by the Federal Reserve be surrendered and vested in the sole title of the United States Department of the Treasury. here .

- German President Hindenburg died and Hitler took his place now fulfilling the roles of both Chancellor and President.

1935 – about mid 1930s ; Czechoslovakia, Belgium, France, the Netherlands and Switzerland abandoned the gold standard - all countrys peg their currency to USA currency now

- China abandons silver standard-due to silver shortage.

1936 Mar - Military forces of the German Reich entered the Rhineland to secure it.

May - NZ National Party formed by merger of Liberal and Unite (previously Reform) parties as reaction to growing and popular NZ Labour Party.

Jul - Civil war starts in Spain , ends 1939 with dominance by Fascist dictator Franco. wiki

- Von Mises "Socialism" first published england in english 

1937 - Jul - 2nd Sino - Japanese war (Japan invades china for resources ).

- Aug -Marijuana is banned by federal legislation in USA.

1938 France - 4th International convened as Trotsky considers 3rd International puppets of Stalinism.

- John Maynard Keynes publishes "General Theory of employment , Interest and Money"

Mar  , Germany annexes Austria then 

Sept The Munich Agreement, a settlement reached by Germany, Great BritainFrance, and Italy that permitted German annexation of the Sudetenland, in western Czechoslovakia. which is annexed in October.

1939 Mar, Britain and France guarantee Polish Sovereignty.

Aug - The German-Soviet Pac aka the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact agreement of non aggression.

Sept 1st-  Hitler invades Poland.

                 3rd Britain declares war on Germany , 

Great depression considered  officially over by most economists

Fascist dictator Franco wins Spanish civil war – ends 1975

1940 May - Hither invades France . 

1941 May - Japan bombs Pearl harbour as a reaction to USA interfering – starts the War in the Pacific. Japan another fascist state joins the Axis.

June Germany invades Russia in operation Barbarosa. Russia becomes part of the Allies.

1943 Ayn Rand writes fictional novel  "Fountainhead"

France full universal suffrage – women and military can now vote

Italy declares war on its former Axis partner Germany and joins the battle on the side of the Allies.

1944 - Bretton Woods agreement tying USA to the gold standard and the Europe relying on USA to give value to their currencies. 

- The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development  [AKA the World Bank and the IMF  established at Bretton Woods

-  Milton Friedman writes "The Road to Serfdom"

1945 -  WWII ends

Germany surrenders, USA drops 2 nuclear bombs on Japan to test them, Japan surrenders  ending WW2 . In all causing 70-85million deaths, wiki .

           - African decolonisation begins ending 1960

           - Chinese Communists restart civil war against Nationalists

           - 7 Monarchies and Japans Empire ends.

          - United Nations came into existence after 29 nations ratify the charter.

1946 - 1949 Greek civil war between communists and Kingdom of Greece Govt  - With the support of the UK and USA Greek  government forces ultimately prevailed.

          - Sarawak (Borneo ) becomes a British colony when last white Rajah cedes it to Britain.

           - Philippines receives independence from USA.

1947 – 1954 2nd Red Scare USA – also called McCarthyism or Hooverism after key players.

- Cold war begins - US claims it will support democracies against authoritarian threats but in reality was a policy of Soviet containment,  formalized in Truman Doctrine . The USA has spent the next 70 years destroying democracys it didnt like that didnt fit its capitalist profit driven empire.

         - Civil war starts in Palestine between the Palestine Arabs and the recent immigrant zionist jews.

1948 April - Organisation of American States formed (HQ in Washington DC) with rights set out in the Montevideo convention, here.

          - World Health Organisation constitution written

 Economic Recovery Act of 1948, aka Marshall Plan signed -USA provides  provide economic assistance to restore the economic infrastructure of postwar Europe. 

- Britain withdraws from Palestine mandate and zionist jews declare the state of Israel then proceed to steal the land they needed to make the state battling 5 Arab nation states that tried to prevent them.

1949 - USA turns on its ally USSR and creates NATO an anticommunist organisation and the cold war begins

- Mao leads Communist Party to victory over Chinese Nationalists – Peoples Republic of China (PRC) proclaimed - ACFTU reinstated.

December 1949, at the end of the Indonesian National Revolution, the Netherlands agreed to recognise Indonesian sovereignty over the territories of the former Dutch East Indies, with the exception of Western New Guinea

1950 USA leads UN to invade Korea to fight communism

1951 Waterfront dispute - NZs biggest strike with 22,000 workers "on strike".

1953 Cuban revolution begins – ending 1959

The 1953 U.S. and UK-instigated & aided Iranian coup d'état,  ending Mosaddeghs democratic regime in favour of authoritarian Shah in retaliation for nationalising  Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AIOC), a British corporation (now part of BP),

1954 Bilderberg Group gets established to bolster consensus around free market Western capitalism and its interests around the globe.

1956 The KPD is banned by the Federal Constitutional Court in 1956.

1957 Oct , Ayn Rand Publishes novel  "Atlas Shrugged"

1958- 1962 Chinese Great Leap Forward. The  ACFTU is banned again.

1960 Oct Louis Armstrong played in Leopoldville and both sides of the raging civil put down their guns to listen to him.  here .

1962 Milton Friedman publishes "Capitalism and Freedom" in which the cure for capitalist recession id expanding money supply by banks lending more.

United States fearing Indonesia becoming communist pressured the Dutch to sacrifice Western New Guineas (West Papua) independence and transfer the territory to Indonesia. In 1962, the Dutch agreed to relinquish the territory to temporary United Nations administration. 

1963  Jul Sarawak (Borneo)is granted independence and forms part of  the federal constitutional Monarchy of Malaysia along with  other federal territories , Malaya and Sabah in Sept.

Nov President JFK assassinated in Dallas Texas.

1964 – USA Civil Rights Act 1964 passed – prevents discrimination and segregation  of blacks

1965Voting Rights Act 1965 allows Black Americans to vote giving universal suffrage finally - Australia – the Queensland voting rights to all Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders - universal suffrage finally achieved

1968 - Civil Rights Act 1968 – prevents discriminatory housing against blacks

       - Nixon and Republican party pursue racist Southern Strategy to win white votes from Democrats.

1969 Indonesian military hold fake vote and annex West Papua 

1971Jan World Economic Forum (WEF) founded 

Aug USA Nixon stops convertibility of of us dollars to Gold – bans public holding gold- ends Bretton woods system.

Jun  The Nixon administration coined the term War on Drugs.He characterized the abuse of illicit substances as "public enemy number one in the United States". Which is really a war on people for election purposes.

1972 Jan Bloody Sunday in Derry, Ireland - British soldiers shoot 26 unarmed civilians murdering 13.

1973 Israel -Yom-Kippur War, USA supplies weapons - OPEC creates oil crisis

- General Augusto Pinochet stages coup in Chile allowing Milton Friedman to practice his neo-liberal theories.

1975 Francos Spanish dictatorship ends

1976 China – Mao dies Gang of Four executed – ACFTU re-legalised

1977 Exxon Mobil’s scientists predict climate change and Exxon Mobil covers it up

1978  Sir John Bagot Glub publishes   "The Fate of Empires and Search for Survival" 

- Apr The Saur Revolution or Sowr Revolution  the April Revolution was staged in Afghanistan. try and implement some type of communism/marxism ?

1979 - USSR invades Afganistan.
Iranian Revolution [along with Yom-Kippur War of 1973] creates oil crises

1979 Margret Thatcher and Tory Party elected government Britain – institutes neo-liberalism

1981 Ronald Reagan elected president institutes neo liberalism in usa.  

- Right wing freemarket propaganda group Atlas Network founded , here

1984 - Trades Hall bombing Wellington NZ kills one.

           -  NZ Labour Party elected government of NZ- institutes neo-liberalism

1987 USA Wall street crashes leading to global recession.

1989 The Berlin wall falls – opens up East Germany – beginning the end of USSR and RSFSR 

1991 RSFSR becomes Russian Federation

            - Dec USSR votes to dissolve itself

1993 - NZ voters chose MMP in a referendum to replace first past the post .

          Association of Consumers and Taxpayers set up leading to ACT political party 1994

          NZ First political party created

1995 British Labour party under Tony Blair remove clause 4 from their constitution thereby acknowleging they are no longer offically a socialist party.even thou they hadnt been since WWI

1999 The Black Book of Capitalism (Subtitle: A Farewell to Market Economy)  is a book written by German philosopher and critical-theorist Robert Kurz and published in 1999. Its a response to that highly inaccurate Black Book of Communism, here , wiki .

2000 Dot.com bubble burst leading to recession

2001  USA Twin Towers aka World Trade Centre destroyed by plane , blamed on Al-Qaeda ., USA starts its war of terror on the world especially Muslim states , calling it a "War on Terror

2003 USA & Britain invade Iraq to control oil supply.

2006 - GB last payment to USA for WW2 aid

        - Wikileaks founded by Julian Assange.

2007 USA invades Afghanistan 

- USA economy forces for-closures on bad mortgages begins leading to

2008 USA banks shutting and bailouts and 2008 World Global Financial Crises (GFC)

2009 BRICS founded and summit held  [opposition to petrodollar]

2010 The Stockholm District Court issued a European Arrest Warrant to execute it for arrest Julianne Assange on charges of rape.

2011 NATO bombs and aids Libyas rebel TNC who murders President  Muammar Gaddafi

2011 - Indignados occupy Madrid Spain- which inspires Occupy Manhattan,  USA 5 moths later , which inspires and spreads worldwide to 1500 cities ,protesting inequality and lack of democracy.

2012 Kim.dot illegally raided and arrested – USA tries extradite him over his filing sharing platform

2014 Russo-Ukrainian War that begins

2018, 2019, 2020 USA indicts & charges Julianne Assange on 18 counts mostly treason under Espionage Act for creating whistleblowing website Wikileaks - demands  extradition to stand trial.

2022 Russia invades Ukraine eastern territories
