I was born in a Aotearoa in a Waikato country town hospital in the 1960s and raised on a Waikato diary farm .
I went to tertiary school and got a Diploma of Business Studies , working as an assistant accountant for a big UK insurance firm never questioning anything I was told nor anything I was told to do or anything about society.
I falsely believed that gangs and criminals should be treated tougher and punished to prevent crime, even thinking why anyone doesn’t become a vigilante in NZ. That it was the workers fault they do not have have good well paid jobs/ lives, because they were lazy or not smart. I never thought about why NZ was more white than Maori or why Maori made most of the prison statistics.
It was not until I had conversations with someone wiser and alternative in the 1990s that I questioned the food I was eating from the supermarket and asked why supermarkets are allowed to sell so much food that is unhealthy and not fit for human consumption. When I realised the food we ate affected our health and that most people getting sick and filling the hospitals and/or dying and filling the morgues are both unnecessary wasting so much valuable lives and taxpayers dollars and the government who are supposed to look after us, wasnt. I knew there was something wrong with the system. My partner at the time is what you call a new age spiritualist.
I left my full time job and Auckland in 1999 and took up practicing Nichiren Daishonin buddhism, built a house truck which I travelled around the South Island in for 8 months .
While back near Auckland living on a commune I became an activist in 2006, joining an environmental protest group “Save Happy Valley” against a proposed coal mine near Westport. Later joining Climaction , a mixed group forming after Al Gore’s movie, “An inconvenient truth” was released.
As this group was mainly anarchists and Greenpeace people i spent some time around Anarchists especially the Auckland Anarchist collective.
In 2009 I stood in Mt Albert Electorate without much success. Thou i did make some notoriety.
Earning me the name of Lamington Steele
I have helped campaign for Green Party and later for Mana as volunteer.
In 2011 I joined a Socialist Group becoming treasurer for a number of years. The same year I was involved in Occupy Aotearoa, being one of those arrested on the last day after 3 months in Aotea Square. Occupy and its focus on increasing wealth inequality fitted with my disillusioned with governments desire or ability to look after the people, always putting profit first.
Not long after occupy Aotea I was involved in lamington attack on Mayor Len Brown while Auckland City port workers were on strike.
In 2012 I became so disillusioned with government and protesting it I started practicing Common Law so have spent time around those practicing and espousing freeman /sovereignty/common law . My common law surname (describing name) is taken from the freeman movement.
I am still engaged in learning the truth about government and police authority and its lawfulness . I am only human and will may make errors but truth and education is at the forefront of this mission and blog.
I have not voted since 2014.
There is so much to learn about the real politics thats important thats not the childs play, manipulation and lies you see from politicians and media and I wish to pass on every thing I have learnt. Hence the creation of this blog.
Malcolm Daniel
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